| java.lang.Object com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.localeconverter.ComplexTransition com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.localeconverter.EOLTransition
EOLTransition | public class EOLTransition extends ComplexTransition (Code) | | This transition parses an end-of-line sequence. The comment character
can be set to an arbitrary character, but it is shared globally.
A comment may only occur after an end-of-line.
EOL := | [ ]*
SPACE_CHARS := " \t";
EOL_CHARS = "\r\n\u2028\u2029";
COMMENT_BODY = [ ~ & ~ ]*
COMMENT_CHAR | public static char COMMENT_CHAR(Code) | | |
DEFAULT_COMMENT_CHAR | final public static char DEFAULT_COMMENT_CHAR(Code) | | |
EOLTransition | public EOLTransition(int success)(Code) | | |
accepts | public boolean accepts(int c)(Code) | | |
setCommentChar | public static synchronized char setCommentChar(char c)(Code) | | Set a new comment character
setDefaultCommentChar | public static synchronized char setDefaultCommentChar()(Code) | | Restore the comment character to the default value
Fields inherited from com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.localeconverter.ComplexTransition | final protected static int SUCCESS(Code)(Java Doc)