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abstract public class Transliterator (Code)
Transliterator is an abstract class that transliterates text from one format to another. The most common kind of transliterator is a script, or alphabet, transliterator. For example, a Russian to Latin transliterator changes Russian text written in Cyrillic characters to phonetically equivalent Latin characters. It does not translate Russian to English! Transliteration, unlike translation, operates on characters, without reference to the meanings of words and sentences.

Although script conversion is its most common use, a transliterator can actually perform a more general class of tasks. In fact, Transliterator defines a very general API which specifies only that a segment of the input text is replaced by new text. The particulars of this conversion are determined entirely by subclasses of Transliterator.

Transliterators are stateless

Transliterator objects are stateless; they retain no information between calls to transliterate(). As a result, threads may share transliterators without synchronizing them. This might seem to limit the complexity of the transliteration operation. In practice, subclasses perform complex transliterations by delaying the replacement of text until it is known that no other replacements are possible. In other words, although the Transliterator objects are stateless, the source text itself embodies all the needed information, and delayed operation allows arbitrary complexity.

Batch transliteration

The simplest way to perform transliteration is all at once, on a string of existing text. This is referred to as batch transliteration. For example, given a string input and a transliterator t, the call

String result = t.transliterate(input);
will transliterate it and return the result. Other methods allow the client to specify a substring to be transliterated and to use Replaceable objects instead of strings, in order to preserve out-of-band information (such as text styles).

Keyboard transliteration

Somewhat more involved is keyboard, or incremental transliteration. This is the transliteration of text that is arriving from some source (typically the user's keyboard) one character at a time, or in some other piecemeal fashion.

In keyboard transliteration, a Replaceable buffer stores the text. As text is inserted, as much as possible is transliterated on the fly. This means a GUI that displays the contents of the buffer may show text being modified as each new character arrives.

Consider the simple RuleBasedTransliterator:

When the user types 't', nothing will happen, since the transliterator is waiting to see if the next character is 'h'. To remedy this, we introduce the notion of a cursor, marked by a '|' in the output string:
Now when the user types 't', tau appears, and if the next character is 'h', the tau changes to a theta. This is accomplished by maintaining a cursor position (independent of the insertion point, and invisible in the GUI) across calls to transliterate(). Typically, the cursor will be coincident with the insertion point, but in a case like the one above, it will precede the insertion point.

Keyboard transliteration methods maintain a set of three indices that are updated with each call to transliterate(), including the cursor, start, and limit. These indices are changed by the method, and they are passed in and out via a Position object. The start index marks the beginning of the substring that the transliterator will look at. It is advanced as text becomes committed (but it is not the committed index; that's the cursor). The cursor index, described above, marks the point at which the transliterator last stopped, either because it reached the end, or because it required more characters to disambiguate between possible inputs. The cursor can also be explicitly set by rules in a RuleBasedTransliterator. Any characters before the cursor index are frozen; future keyboard transliteration calls within this input sequence will not change them. New text is inserted at the limit index, which marks the end of the substring that the transliterator looks at.

Because keyboard transliteration assumes that more characters are to arrive, it is conservative in its operation. It only transliterates when it can do so unambiguously. Otherwise it waits for more characters to arrive. When the client code knows that no more characters are forthcoming, perhaps because the user has performed some input termination operation, then it should call finishTransliteration() to complete any pending transliterations.


Pairs of transliterators may be inverses of one another. For example, if transliterator A transliterates characters by incrementing their Unicode value (so "abc" -> "def"), and transliterator B decrements character values, then A is an inverse of B and vice versa. If we compose A with B in a compound transliterator, the result is the indentity transliterator, that is, a transliterator that does not change its input text. The Transliterator method getInverse() returns a transliterator's inverse, if one exists, or null otherwise. However, the result of getInverse() usually will not be a true mathematical inverse. This is because true inverse transliterators are difficult to formulate. For example, consider two transliterators: AB, which transliterates the character 'A' to 'B', and BA, which transliterates 'B' to 'A'. It might seem that these are exact inverses, since

"A" x AB -> "B"
"B" x BA -> "A"
where 'x' represents transliteration. However,
"ABCD" x AB -> "BBCD"
"BBCD" x BA -> "AACD"
so AB composed with BA is not the identity. Nonetheless, BA may be usefully considered to be AB's inverse, and it is on this basis that AB.getInverse() could legitimately return BA.

IDs and display names

A transliterator is designated by a short identifier string or ID. IDs follow the format source-destination, where source describes the entity being replaced, and destination describes the entity replacing source. The entities may be the names of scripts, particular sequences of characters, or whatever else it is that the transliterator converts to or from. For example, a transliterator from Russian to Latin might be named "Russian-Latin". A transliterator from keyboard escape sequences to Latin-1 characters might be named "KeyboardEscape-Latin1". By convention, system entity names are in English, with the initial letters of words capitalized; user entity names may follow any format so long as they do not contain dashes.

In addition to programmatic IDs, transliterator objects have display names for presentation in user interfaces, returned by Transliterator.getDisplayName .

Factory methods and registration

In general, client code should use the factory method getInstance() to obtain an instance of a transliterator given its ID. Valid IDs may be enumerated using getAvailableIDs(). Since transliterators are stateless, multiple calls to getInstance() with the same ID will return the same object.

In addition to the system transliterators registered at startup, user transliterators may be registered by calling registerInstance() at run time. To register a transliterator subclass without instantiating it (until it is needed), users may call registerClass().

Composed transliterators

In addition to built-in system transliterators like "Latin-Greek", there are also built-in composed transliterators. These are implemented by composing two or more component transliterators. For example, if we have scripts "A", "B", "C", and "D", and we want to transliterate between all pairs of them, then we need to write 12 transliterators: "A-B", "A-C", "A-D", "B-A",..., "D-A", "D-B", "D-C". If it is possible to convert all scripts to an intermediate script "M", then instead of writing 12 rule sets, we only need to write 8: "A~M", "B~M", "C~M", "D~M", "M~A", "M~B", "M~C", "M~D". (This might not seem like a big win, but it's really 2n vs. n2 - n, so as n gets larger the gain becomes significant. With 9 scripts, it's 18 vs. 72 rule sets, a big difference.) Note the use of "~" rather than "-" for the script separator here; this indicates that the given transliterator is intended to be composed with others, rather than be used as is.

Composed transliterators can be instantiated as usual. For example, the system transliterator "Devanagari-Gujarati" is a composed transliterator built internally as "Devanagari~InterIndic;InterIndic~Gujarati". When this transliterator is instantiated, it appears externally to be a standard transliterator (e.g., getID() returns "Devanagari-Gujarati").


Subclasses must implement the abstract method handleTransliterate().

Subclasses should override the transliterate() method taking a Replaceable and the transliterate() method taking a String and StringBuffer if the performance of these methods can be improved over the performance obtained by the default implementations in this class.

Copyright © IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
   Alan Liu

Inner Class :public static class Position
Inner Class :public static interface Factory

Field Summary
final static  booleanDEBUG
     To enable debugging output in the Transliterator component, set DEBUG to true. N.B.
final public static  intFORWARD
     Direction constant indicating the forward direction in a transliterator, e.g., the forward rules of a RuleBasedTransliterator.
final static  charID_DELIM
     Delimiter between elements in a compound ID.
final static  charID_SEP
     Delimiter before target in an ID.
final public static  intREVERSE
     Direction constant indicating the reverse direction in a transliterator, e.g., the reverse rules of a RuleBasedTransliterator.
final static  charVARIANT_SEP
     Delimiter before variant in an ID.

Constructor Summary
protected  Transliterator(String ID, UnicodeFilter filter)
     Default constructor.
  ID - the string identifier for this transliterator
  filter - the filter.

Method Summary
final protected  StringbaseToRules(boolean escapeUnprintable)
     Returns a rule string for this transliterator.
final public static  TransliteratorcreateFromRules(String ID, String rules, int dir)
     Returns a Transliterator object constructed from the given rule string.
public  voidfilteredTransliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, boolean incremental)
     Transliterate a substring of text, as specified by index, taking filters into account.
final public  voidfinishTransliteration(Replaceable text, Position index)
     Finishes any pending transliterations that were waiting for more characters.
final public static  EnumerationgetAvailableIDs()
     Returns an enumeration over the programmatic names of registered Transliterator objects.
final public static  EnumerationgetAvailableSources()
     Returns an enumeration over the source names of registered transliterators.
final public static  EnumerationgetAvailableTargets(String source)
     Returns an enumeration over the target names of registered transliterators having a given source name.
final public static  EnumerationgetAvailableVariants(String source, String target)
     Returns an enumeration over the variant names of registered transliterators having a given source name and target name.
static  TransliteratorgetBasicInstance(String id, String canonID)
     Create a transliterator from a basic ID.
final public static  StringgetDisplayName(String ID)
     Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the default locale.
public static  StringgetDisplayName(String id, Locale inLocale)
     Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the given locale.
public static  StringgetDisplayName(String id, ULocale inLocale)
     Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the given locale.
public  Transliterator[]getElements()
     Return the elements that make up this transliterator.
final public  UnicodeFiltergetFilter()
     Returns the filter used by this transliterator, or null if this transliterator uses no filter.
final public  StringgetID()
     Returns a programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
final public static  TransliteratorgetInstance(String ID)
     Returns a Transliterator object given its ID.
public static  TransliteratorgetInstance(String ID, int dir)
     Returns a Transliterator object given its ID. The ID must be either a system transliterator ID or a ID registered using registerClass().
  ID - a valid ID, as enumerated by getAvailableIDs()
  dir - either FORWARD or REVERSE.
final public  TransliteratorgetInverse()
     Returns this transliterator's inverse.
final public  intgetMaximumContextLength()
     Returns the length of the longest context required by this transliterator. This is preceding context.
final public  UnicodeSetgetSourceSet()
     Returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the input text by this Transliterator.
public  UnicodeSetgetTargetSet()
     Returns the set of all characters that may be generated as replacement text by this transliterator.
protected  UnicodeSethandleGetSourceSet()
     Framework method that returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the input text by this Transliterator, ignoring the effect of this object's filter.
abstract protected  voidhandleTransliterate(Replaceable text, Position pos, boolean incremental)
     Abstract method that concrete subclasses define to implement their transliteration algorithm.
public static  voidregisterAlias(String aliasID, String realID)
     Register an ID as an alias of another ID.
public static  voidregisterClass(String ID, Class transClass, String displayName)
     Registers a subclass of Transliterator with the system.
public static  voidregisterFactory(String ID, Factory factory)
     Register a factory object with the given ID.
public static  voidregisterInstance(Transliterator trans)
     Register a Transliterator object with the given ID.
static  voidregisterInstance(Transliterator trans, boolean visible)
     Register a Transliterator object with the given ID.
static  voidregisterSpecialInverse(String target, String inverseTarget, boolean bidirectional)
     Register two targets as being inverses of one another.
public  voidsetFilter(UnicodeFilter filter)
     Changes the filter used by this transliterator.
final protected  voidsetID(String id)
     Set the programmatic identifier for this transliterator.
protected  voidsetMaximumContextLength(int a)
     Method for subclasses to use to set the maximum context length.
public  StringtoRules(boolean escapeUnprintable)
     Returns a rule string for this transliterator.
final public  inttransliterate(Replaceable text, int start, int limit)
     Transliterates a segment of a string, with optional filtering.
  text - the string to be transliterated
  start - the beginning index, inclusive; 0 <= start<= limit.
  limit - the ending index, exclusive; start <= limit<= text.length().
final public  voidtransliterate(Replaceable text)
     Transliterates an entire string in place.
final public  Stringtransliterate(String text)
     Transliterate an entire string and returns the result.
final public  voidtransliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, String insertion)
     Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly after new text has been inserted, typically as a result of a keyboard event.
final public  voidtransliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, int insertion)
     Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly after a new character has been inserted, typically as a result of a keyboard event.
final public  voidtransliterate(Replaceable text, Position index)
     Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly.
public static  voidunregister(String ID)
     Unregisters a transliterator or class.

Field Detail
final static boolean DEBUG(Code)
To enable debugging output in the Transliterator component, set DEBUG to true. N.B. Make sure to recompile all of the package after changing this. Easiest way to do this is 'ant clean core' ('ant' will NOT pick up the dependency automatically). <>

final public static int FORWARD(Code)
Direction constant indicating the forward direction in a transliterator, e.g., the forward rules of a RuleBasedTransliterator. An "A-B" transliterator transliterates A to B when operating in the forward direction, and B to A when operating in the reverse direction.

final static char ID_DELIM(Code)
Delimiter between elements in a compound ID.

final static char ID_SEP(Code)
Delimiter before target in an ID.

final public static int REVERSE(Code)
Direction constant indicating the reverse direction in a transliterator, e.g., the reverse rules of a RuleBasedTransliterator. An "A-B" transliterator transliterates A to B when operating in the forward direction, and B to A when operating in the reverse direction.

final static char VARIANT_SEP(Code)
Delimiter before variant in an ID.

Constructor Detail
protected Transliterator(String ID, UnicodeFilter filter)(Code)
Default constructor.
  ID - the string identifier for this transliterator
  filter - the filter. Any character for whichfilter.contains() returns false will not bealtered by this transliterator. If filter isnull then no filtering is applied.

Method Detail
final protected String baseToRules(boolean escapeUnprintable)(Code)
Returns a rule string for this transliterator. This is a non-overrideable base class implementation that subclasses may call. It simply munges the ID into the correct format, that is, "foo" => "::foo".
  escapeUnprintable - if true, then unprintable characterswill be converted to escape form backslash-'u' orbackslash-'U'.

final public static Transliterator createFromRules(String ID, String rules, int dir)(Code)
Returns a Transliterator object constructed from the given rule string. This will be a RuleBasedTransliterator, if the rule string contains only rules, or a CompoundTransliterator, if it contains ID blocks, or a NullTransliterator, if it contains ID blocks which parse as empty for the given direction.

public void filteredTransliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, boolean incremental)(Code)
Transliterate a substring of text, as specified by index, taking filters into account. This method is for subclasses that need to delegate to another transliterator, such as CompoundTransliterator.
  text - the text to be transliterated
  index - the position indices
  incremental - if TRUE, then assume more characters may be insertedat index.limit, and postpone processing to accomodate future incomingcharacters

final public void finishTransliteration(Replaceable text, Position index)(Code)
Finishes any pending transliterations that were waiting for more characters. Clients should call this method as the last call after a sequence of one or more calls to transliterate().
  text - the buffer holding transliterated anduntransliterated text.
  index - the array of indices previously passed to Transliterator.transliterate

final public static Enumeration getAvailableIDs()(Code)
Returns an enumeration over the programmatic names of registered Transliterator objects. This includes both system transliterators and user transliterators registered using registerClass(). The enumerated names may be passed to getInstance(). An Enumeration over String objects
See Also:   Transliterator.getInstance
See Also:   Transliterator.registerClass

final public static Enumeration getAvailableSources()(Code)
Returns an enumeration over the source names of registered transliterators. Source names may be passed to getAvailableTargets() to obtain available targets for each source.

final public static Enumeration getAvailableTargets(String source)(Code)
Returns an enumeration over the target names of registered transliterators having a given source name. Target names may be passed to getAvailableVariants() to obtain available variants for each source and target pair.

final public static Enumeration getAvailableVariants(String source, String target)(Code)
Returns an enumeration over the variant names of registered transliterators having a given source name and target name.

static Transliterator getBasicInstance(String id, String canonID)(Code)
Create a transliterator from a basic ID. This is an ID containing only the forward direction source, target, and variant.
  id - a basic ID of the form S-T or S-T/V.
  canonID - canonical ID to apply to the result, ornull to leave the ID unchanged a newly created Transliterator or null if the ID isinvalid.

final public static String getDisplayName(String ID)(Code)
Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the default locale. See Transliterator.getDisplayName(String,Locale) for details.

public static String getDisplayName(String id, Locale inLocale)(Code)
Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the given locale. This name is taken from the locale resource data in the standard manner of the java.text package.

If no localized names exist in the system resource bundles, a name is synthesized using a localized MessageFormat pattern from the resource data. The arguments to this pattern are an integer followed by one or two strings. The integer is the number of strings, either 1 or 2. The strings are formed by splitting the ID for this transliterator at the first '-'. If there is no '-', then the entire ID forms the only string.
  inLocale - the Locale in which the display name should belocalized.
See Also:   java.text.MessageFormat

public static String getDisplayName(String id, ULocale inLocale)(Code)
Returns a name for this transliterator that is appropriate for display to the user in the given locale. This name is taken from the locale resource data in the standard manner of the java.text package.

If no localized names exist in the system resource bundles, a name is synthesized using a localized MessageFormat pattern from the resource data. The arguments to this pattern are an integer followed by one or two strings. The integer is the number of strings, either 1 or 2. The strings are formed by splitting the ID for this transliterator at the first '-'. If there is no '-', then the entire ID forms the only string.
  inLocale - the ULocale in which the display name should belocalized.
See Also:   java.text.MessageFormat

public Transliterator[] getElements()(Code)
Return the elements that make up this transliterator. For example, if the transliterator "NFD;Jamo-Latin;Latin-Greek" were created, the return value of this method would be an array of the three transliterator objects that make up that transliterator: [NFD, Jamo-Latin, Latin-Greek].

If this transliterator is not composed of other transliterators, then this method will return an array of length one containing a reference to this transliterator. an array of one or more transliterators that make upthis transliterator

final public UnicodeFilter getFilter()(Code)
Returns the filter used by this transliterator, or null if this transliterator uses no filter.

final public String getID()(Code)
Returns a programmatic identifier for this transliterator. If this identifier is passed to getInstance(), it will return this object, if it has been registered.
See Also:   Transliterator.registerClass
See Also:   Transliterator.getAvailableIDs

final public static Transliterator getInstance(String ID)(Code)
Returns a Transliterator object given its ID. The ID must be either a system transliterator ID or a ID registered using registerClass().
  ID - a valid ID, as enumerated by getAvailableIDs() A Transliterator object with the given ID
  IllegalArgumentException - if the given ID is invalid.

public static Transliterator getInstance(String ID, int dir)(Code)
Returns a Transliterator object given its ID. The ID must be either a system transliterator ID or a ID registered using registerClass().
  ID - a valid ID, as enumerated by getAvailableIDs()
  dir - either FORWARD or REVERSE. If REVERSE then theinverse of the given ID is instantiated. A Transliterator object with the given ID
  IllegalArgumentException - if the given ID is invalid.
See Also:   Transliterator.registerClass
See Also:   Transliterator.getAvailableIDs
See Also:   Transliterator.getID

final public Transliterator getInverse()(Code)
Returns this transliterator's inverse. See the class documentation for details. This implementation simply inverts the two entities in the ID and attempts to retrieve the resulting transliterator. That is, if getID() returns "A-B", then this method will return the result of getInstance("B-A"), or null if that call fails.

Subclasses with knowledge of their inverse may wish to override this method. a transliterator that is an inverse, not necessarilyexact, of this transliterator, or null if no suchtransliterator is registered.
See Also:   Transliterator.registerClass

final public int getMaximumContextLength()(Code)
Returns the length of the longest context required by this transliterator. This is preceding context. The default value is zero, but subclasses can change this by calling setMaximumContextLength(). For example, if a transliterator translates "ddd" (where d is any digit) to "555" when preceded by "(ddd)", then the preceding context length is 5, the length of "(ddd)". The maximum number of preceding context characters thistransliterator needs to examine

final public UnicodeSet getSourceSet()(Code)
Returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the input text by this Transliterator. This incorporates this object's current filter; if the filter is changed, the return value of this function will change. The default implementation returns an empty set. Some subclasses may override Transliterator.handleGetSourceSet to return a more precise result. The return result is approximate in any case and is intended for use by tests, tools, or utilities.
See Also:   Transliterator.getTargetSet
See Also:   Transliterator.handleGetSourceSet

public UnicodeSet getTargetSet()(Code)
Returns the set of all characters that may be generated as replacement text by this transliterator. The default implementation returns the empty set. Some subclasses may override this method to return a more precise result. The return result is approximate in any case and is intended for use by tests, tools, or utilities requiring such meta-information.
See Also:   Transliterator.getTargetSet

protected UnicodeSet handleGetSourceSet()(Code)
Framework method that returns the set of all characters that may be modified in the input text by this Transliterator, ignoring the effect of this object's filter. The base class implementation returns the empty set. Subclasses that wish to implement this should override this method. the set of characters that this transliterator maymodify. The set may be modified, so subclasses should return anewly-created object.
See Also:   Transliterator.getSourceSet
See Also:   Transliterator.getTargetSet

abstract protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text, Position pos, boolean incremental)(Code)
Abstract method that concrete subclasses define to implement their transliteration algorithm. This method handles both incremental and non-incremental transliteration. Let originalStart refer to the value of pos.start upon entry.
  • If incremental is false, then this method should transliterate all characters between pos.start and pos.limit. Upon return pos.start must == pos.limit.
  • If incremental is true, then this method should transliterate all characters between pos.start and pos.limit that can be unambiguously transliterated, regardless of future insertions of text at pos.limit. Upon return, pos.start should be in the range [originalStart, pos.limit). pos.start should be positioned such that characters [originalStart, pos.start) will not be changed in the future by this transliterator and characters [pos.start, pos.limit) are unchanged.

Implementations of this method should also obey the following invariants:

  • pos.limit and pos.contextLimit should be updated to reflect changes in length of the text between pos.start and pos.limit. The difference pos.contextLimit - pos.limit should not change.
  • pos.contextStart should not change.
  • Upon return, neither pos.start nor pos.limit should be less than originalStart.
  • Text before originalStart and text after pos.limit should not change.
  • Text before pos.contextStart and text after pos.contextLimit should be ignored.

Subclasses may safely assume that all characters in [pos.start, pos.limit) are filtered. In other words, the filter has already been applied by the time this method is called. See filteredTransliterate().

This method is not for public consumption. Calling this method directly will transliterate [pos.start, pos.limit) without applying the filter. End user code should call transliterate() instead of this method. Subclass code should call filteredTransliterate() instead of this method.

  text - the buffer holding transliterated anduntransliterated text
  pos - the indices indicating the start, limit, contextstart, and context limit of the text.
  incremental - if true, assume more text may be inserted atpos.limit and act accordingly. Otherwise,transliterate all text between pos.start andpos.limit and move pos.start up topos.limit.
See Also:   Transliterator.transliterate

public static void registerAlias(String aliasID, String realID)(Code)
Register an ID as an alias of another ID. Instantiating alias ID produces the same result as instantiating the original ID. This is generally used to create short aliases of compound IDs.
  aliasID - The new ID being registered.
  realID - The existing ID that the new ID should be an alias of.

public static void registerClass(String ID, Class transClass, String displayName)(Code)
Registers a subclass of Transliterator with the system. This subclass must have a public constructor taking no arguments. When that constructor is called, the resulting object must return the ID passed to this method if its getID() method is called.
  ID - the result of getID() for thistransliterator
  transClass - a subclass of Transliterator
See Also:   Transliterator.unregister

public static void registerFactory(String ID, Factory factory)(Code)
Register a factory object with the given ID. The factory method should return a new instance of the given transliterator.
  ID - the ID of this transliterator
  factory - the factory object

public static void registerInstance(Transliterator trans)(Code)
Register a Transliterator object with the given ID.
  trans - the Transliterator object

static void registerInstance(Transliterator trans, boolean visible)(Code)
Register a Transliterator object with the given ID.
  ID - the ID of this transliterator
  trans - the Transliterator object

static void registerSpecialInverse(String target, String inverseTarget, boolean bidirectional)(Code)
Register two targets as being inverses of one another. For example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", true) causes Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
 Any-NFC => Any-NFD
 Any-NFD => Any-NFC
(Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC would be NFC-Any.) Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but that the presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.

The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is equivalent to registering (b, a).

The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as factories or classes.

Only the targets are specified. Special inverses always have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2. The target should have canonical casing (the casing desired to be produced when an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other extraneous characters.
  target - the target against which to register the inverse
  inverseTarget - the inverse of target, that isAny-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
  bidirectional - if true, register the reverse relationas well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target

public void setFilter(UnicodeFilter filter)(Code)
Changes the filter used by this transliterator. If the filter is set to null then no filtering will occur.

Callers must take care if a transliterator is in use by multiple threads. The filter should not be changed by one thread while another thread may be transliterating.

final protected void setID(String id)(Code)
Set the programmatic identifier for this transliterator. Only for use by subclasses.

protected void setMaximumContextLength(int a)(Code)
Method for subclasses to use to set the maximum context length.
See Also:   Transliterator.getMaximumContextLength

public String toRules(boolean escapeUnprintable)(Code)
Returns a rule string for this transliterator.
  escapeUnprintable - if true, then unprintable characterswill be converted to escape form backslash-'u' orbackslash-'U'.

final public int transliterate(Replaceable text, int start, int limit)(Code)
Transliterates a segment of a string, with optional filtering.
  text - the string to be transliterated
  start - the beginning index, inclusive; 0 <= start<= limit.
  limit - the ending index, exclusive; start <= limit<= text.length(). The new limit index. The text previously occupying [start,limit) has been transliterated, possibly to a string of a differentlength, at [start, new-limit), wherenew-limit is the return value. If the input offsets are out of bounds,the returned value is -1 and the input string remains unchanged.

final public void transliterate(Replaceable text)(Code)
Transliterates an entire string in place. Convenience method.
  text - the string to be transliterated

final public String transliterate(String text)(Code)
Transliterate an entire string and returns the result. Convenience method.
  text - the string to be transliterated The transliterated text

final public void transliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, String insertion)(Code)
Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly after new text has been inserted, typically as a result of a keyboard event. The new text in insertion will be inserted into text at index.contextLimit, advancing index.contextLimit by insertion.length(). Then the transliterator will try to transliterate characters of text between index.start and index.contextLimit. Characters before index.start will not be changed.

Upon return, values in index will be updated. index.contextStart will be advanced to the first character that future calls to this method will read. index.start and index.contextLimit will be adjusted to delimit the range of text that future calls to this method may change.

Typical usage of this method begins with an initial call with index.contextStart and index.contextLimit set to indicate the portion of text to be transliterated, and index.start == index.contextStart. Thereafter, index can be used without modification in future calls, provided that all changes to text are made via this method.

This method assumes that future calls may be made that will insert new text into the buffer. As a result, it only performs unambiguous transliterations. After the last call to this method, there may be untransliterated text that is waiting for more input to resolve an ambiguity. In order to perform these pending transliterations, clients should call Transliterator.finishTransliteration after the last call to this method has been made.
  text - the buffer holding transliterated and untransliterated text
  index - the start and limit of the text, the positionof the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
  insertion - text to be inserted and possiblytransliterated into the translation buffer atindex.contextLimit. If null then no textis inserted.
See Also:   Transliterator.handleTransliterate
  IllegalArgumentException - if indexis invalid

final public void transliterate(Replaceable text, Position index, int insertion)(Code)
Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly after a new character has been inserted, typically as a result of a keyboard event. This is a convenience method; see Transliterator.transliterate(Replaceable,Transliterator.Position,String) for details.
  text - the buffer holding transliterated anduntransliterated text
  index - the start and limit of the text, the positionof the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
  insertion - text to be inserted and possiblytransliterated into the translation buffer atindex.contextLimit.
See Also:   Transliterator.transliterate(Replaceable,Transliterator.Position,String)

final public void transliterate(Replaceable text, Position index)(Code)
Transliterates the portion of the text buffer that can be transliterated unambiguosly. This is a convenience method; see Transliterator.transliterate(Replaceable,Transliterator.Position,String) for details.
  text - the buffer holding transliterated anduntransliterated text
  index - the start and limit of the text, the positionof the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
See Also:   Transliterator.transliterate(Replaceable,Transliterator.Position,String)

public static void unregister(String ID)(Code)
Unregisters a transliterator or class. This may be either a system transliterator or a user transliterator or class.
  ID - the ID of the transliterator or class
See Also:   Transliterator.registerClass

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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