| org.picocontainer.injectors.AbstractInjector
All known Subclasses: org.picocontainer.injectors.IterativeInjector, org.picocontainer.injectors.MultiInjector,
Inner Class :abstract static class ThreadLocalCyclicDependencyGuard extends ThreadLocal | |
Method Summary | |
public void | accept(PicoVisitor visitor) | protected Class | box(Class parameterType) | protected T | caughtIllegalAccessException(ComponentMonitor componentMonitor, Constructor<T> constructor, IllegalAccessException e, PicoContainer container) inform monitor about access exception. | protected Object | caughtIllegalAccessException(ComponentMonitor componentMonitor, Member member, Object componentInstance, IllegalAccessException e) | protected T | caughtInstantiationException(ComponentMonitor componentMonitor, Constructor<T> constructor, InstantiationException e, PicoContainer container) | protected T | caughtInvocationTargetException(ComponentMonitor componentMonitor, Member member, Object componentInstance, InvocationTargetException e) | protected Parameter[] | createDefaultParameters(Class[] parameters) Create default parameters for the given types. | public void | dispose(Object component) | public boolean | hasLifecycle(Class type) | protected T | newInstance(Constructor<T> constructor, Object[] parameters) Instantiate an object with given parameters and respect the accessible flag. | public void | start(Object component) | public void | stop(Object component) | public boolean | useNames() | abstract public void | verify(PicoContainer container) |
parameters | protected transient Parameter[] parameters(Code) | | The parameters to use for initialization.
verifyingGuard | protected transient ThreadLocalCyclicDependencyGuard verifyingGuard(Code) | | The cycle guard for the verification.
AbstractInjector | protected AbstractInjector(Object componentKey, Class componentImplementation, Parameter[] parameters, ComponentMonitor monitor, LifecycleStrategy lifecycleStrategy, boolean useNames)(Code) | | Constructs a new ComponentAdapter for the given key and implementation.
Parameters: componentKey - the search key for this implementation Parameters: componentImplementation - the concrete implementation Parameters: parameters - the parameters to use for the initialization Parameters: monitor - the component monitor used by this ComponentAdapter Parameters: lifecycleStrategy - the lifecycle strategy used by this ComponentAdapter throws: org.picocontainer.injectors.AbstractInjector.NotConcreteRegistrationException - if the implementation is not a concrete class throws: NullPointerException - if one of the parameters is null |
caughtInvocationTargetException | protected T caughtInvocationTargetException(ComponentMonitor componentMonitor, Member member, Object componentInstance, InvocationTargetException e)(Code) | | inform monitor about exception while instantiating component
Parameters: componentMonitor - Parameters: member - Parameters: componentInstance - Parameters: e - |
createDefaultParameters | protected Parameter[] createDefaultParameters(Class[] parameters)(Code) | | Create default parameters for the given types.
Parameters: parameters - the parameter types the array with the default parameters. |
hasLifecycle | public boolean hasLifecycle(Class type)(Code) | | |
useNames | public boolean useNames()(Code) | | |