| java.lang.Object info.jtrac.wicket.ComponentUtils
ComponentUtils | public class ComponentUtils (Code) | | this common class helps to make things easier for the sub-classes
of BasePage and BasePanel to perform common routines and keeps
code in one place, reducing duplication
getCurrentItemSearch | public static ItemSearch getCurrentItemSearch(Component c)(Code) | | |
getCurrentSpace | public static Space getCurrentSpace(Component c)(Code) | | |
getJtrac | public static Jtrac getJtrac(Component c)(Code) | | |
getPrincipal | public static User getPrincipal(Component c)(Code) | | |
refreshPrincipal | public static void refreshPrincipal(Component c, User user)(Code) | | conditional flip of session if same user id
refreshPrincipal | public static void refreshPrincipal(Component c)(Code) | | |
setCurrentItemSearch | public static void setCurrentItemSearch(Component c, ItemSearch itemSearch)(Code) | | |
setCurrentSpace | public static void setCurrentSpace(Component c, Space space)(Code) | | |