Method Summary |
public static void | addSelectColumns(Criteria criteria) Add all the columns needed to create a new object. |
public static Criteria | buildCriteria(ObjectKey pk) |
public static Criteria | buildCriteria(RModuleAttribute obj) |
public static Criteria | buildSelectCriteria(RModuleAttribute obj) |
public static void | correctBooleans(Criteria criteria) changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type,
whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved. |
public static void | doDelete(Criteria criteria) Method to do deletes. |
public static void | doDelete(Criteria criteria, Connection con) Method to do deletes. |
public static void | doDelete(RModuleAttribute obj) |
public static void | doDelete(RModuleAttribute obj, Connection con) Method to delete. |
public static void | doDelete(ObjectKey pk) Method to do deletes. |
public static void | doDelete(ObjectKey pk, Connection con) Method to delete. |
public static ObjectKey | doInsert(Criteria criteria) Method to do inserts. |
public static ObjectKey | doInsert(Criteria criteria, Connection con) Method to do inserts. |
public static void | doInsert(RModuleAttribute obj) |
public static void | doInsert(RModuleAttribute obj, Connection con) Method to do inserts. |
public static List | doSelect(Criteria criteria) Method to do selects.
Parameters: criteria - object used to create the SELECT statement. |
public static List | doSelect(Criteria criteria, Connection con) Method to do selects within a transaction. |
public static List | doSelect(RModuleAttribute obj) |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptAttribute(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptAttribute(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptIssueType(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptIssueType(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptScarabModule(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAllExceptScarabModule(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with
all related objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAttribute(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
Attribute objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinAttribute(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
Attribute objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
IssueType objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
IssueType objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
ScarabModule objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
protected static List | doSelectJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) selects a collection of RModuleAttribute objects pre-filled with their
ScarabModule objects.
This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
api reasonable. |
public static List | doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria criteria) Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
This method handles connections internally. |
public static List | doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria criteria, Connection con) Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects. |
public static void | doUpdate(Criteria criteria) Method to do updates. |
public static void | doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Connection con) Method to do updates. |
public static void | doUpdate(RModuleAttribute obj) |
public static void | doUpdate(RModuleAttribute obj, Connection con) Method to do update. |
public static MapBuilder | getMapBuilder() |
public static Class | getOMClass() The class that the Peer will make instances of. |
protected static TableMap | getTableMap() Returns the TableMap related to this peer. |
public static void | populateObject(Record row, int offset, RModuleAttribute obj) Populates an object from a resultset row starting
from a specified offset. |
public static List | populateObjects(List records) The returned List will contain objects of the default type or
objects that inherit from the default. |
public static List | resultSet2Objects(java.sql.ResultSet results) Get the list of objects for a ResultSet. |
public static RModuleAttribute | retrieveByPK(ObjectKey pk) |
public static RModuleAttribute | retrieveByPK(ObjectKey pk, Connection con) |
public static RModuleAttribute | retrieveByPK(Integer module_id, Integer attribute_id, Integer issue_type_id) retrieve object using using pk values. |
public static RModuleAttribute | retrieveByPK(Integer module_id, Integer attribute_id, Integer issue_type_id, Connection con) retrieve object using using pk values. |
public static List | retrieveByPKs(List pks) |
public static List | retrieveByPKs(List pks, Connection dbcon) |
public static RModuleAttribute | row2Object(Record row, int offset, Class cls) Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting
from a specified offset. |