Method Summary |
void | addAttributeOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) |
void | addIssueType(IssueType issueType) |
RModuleAttribute | addRModuleAttribute(IssueType issueType, Attribute attribute) Adds module-attribute mapping to module. |
RModuleOption | addRModuleOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) Adds module-attribute-option mapping to module. |
boolean | allowsIssues() Determines whether this module accepts issues. |
boolean | allowsMultipleVoting() Determines whether this module allows users to vote many times for
the same issue. |
boolean | allowsNewIssues() Determines whether this module is accepting new issues. |
AttributeGroup | createNewGroup(IssueType issueType) Creates new attribute group. |
List | getAllAttributes() Gets a list of all of the Attributes in this module. |
List | getAncestors() Returns this ModuleEntities ancestors in ascending order. |
String | getArchiveEmail() All emails related to this module will have a copy sent to
this address. |
List | getAttributes(Criteria criteria) gets a list of all of the Attributes in a Module based on the Criteria. |
List | getAttributes(IssueType issueType) Gets a list of attributes for this module with a specific
issue type. |
String | getCode() |
String | getCommentRenderingEngine() |
List | getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType) List of active dedupe attribute groups associated with this module. |
List | getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) List of attribute groups associated with this module. |
List | getDedupeGroupsWithAttributes(IssueType issueType) This method is used within Wizard1.vm to get a list of attribute
groups which are marked as dedupe and have a list of attributes
in them. |
int | getDedupeSequence(IssueType issueType) Gets the sequence where the dedupe screen fits between groups. |
List | getDefaultRModuleUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) Returns default issue list attributes for this module. |
boolean | getDeleted() |
String | getDescription() |
ScarabUser[] | getEligibleIssueReporters() |
ScarabUser[] | getEligibleUsers(Attribute attribute) |
String | getHttpDomain() |
Issue | getIssueById(String id) This method is useful for getting an issue object
by a String id. |
REProgram | getIssueRegex() returns a compiled regex that can used to create a new RE
for matching some given text. |
List | getIssueTypes() |
List | getIssueTypes(boolean activeOnly) |
int | getLastAttribute(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) |
int | getLastAttributeOption(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
List | getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
List | getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
Locale | getLocale() The default locale for this module will be used in cases
where a response is going to no particular user (a mailing
list) or can also be used as a default in cases where
a user does not have a preference. |
Integer | getModuleId() |
String | getName() This method is only used by the Turbine Group interface.
The implementation of getName() returns a unique name for
this Module that is human readable because our
implementation of Flux needs it as well as the fact that
each Group needs to have a unique name. |
List | getNavIssueTypes() |
Issue | getNewIssue(IssueType issueType) |
List | getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) Gets a list of active RModuleOptions which have had their level
within the options for this module set. |
List | getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) Gets a list of RModuleOptions which have had their level
within the options for this module set. |
Integer | getOwnerId() |
Module | getParent() Same as the getModuleRelatedByParentIdCast(), just a better name. |
Integer | getParentId() |
String | getPort() |
ObjectKey | getPrimaryKey() |
Integer | getQaContactId() |
String | getQueryKey() |
RModuleAttribute | getRModuleAttribute(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly, String attributeType) |
List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType) |
List | getRModuleAttributes(Criteria criteria) |
RModuleIssueType | getRModuleIssueType(IssueType issueType) |
List | getRModuleIssueTypes() |
RModuleOption | getRModuleOption(AttributeOption option, IssueType issueType) |
List | getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
List | getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
List | getRModuleOptions(Criteria crit) |
String | getRealName() This method is only used by the Turbine Group interface.
The implementation of getName() returns a unique name for
this Module that is human readable because our
implementation of Flux needs it as well as the fact that
each Group needs to have a unique name. |
public Role | getRequiredRole() Returns the required role for *any* access to this module
including for requesting roles. |
List | getRoles() |
List | getSavedReports(ScarabUser user) List of saved reports associated with this module and
created by the given user. |
String | getScarabInstanceId() arbitrary value, represents the individual instance
on which this module has been created. |
String | getScheme() |
String | getScriptName() |
String[] | getSystemEmail() The default address that is used to fill out either the From or
ReplyTo header on emails related to this module. |
List | getTemplateTypes() |
List | getUnapprovedQueries() Returns list of queries needing approval. |
List | getUnapprovedTemplates() Returns list of enter issue templates needing approval. |
int | getUnusedVoteCount(ScarabUser user) How many votes does the user have left to cast. |
String | getUrl() |
List | getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
List | getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) |
List | getUserPermissions(IssueType issueType) |
ScarabUser[] | getUsers(String permission) Get a list of ScarabUser 's that have the given
permission in the given module. |
ScarabUser[] | getUsers(List permissions) Get a list of ScarabUser 's that have any of the given
permissions in the given module. |
List | getUsers(String firstName, String lastName, String username, String email, IssueType issueType) Gets users which match all of the given criteria and have at least
one permission that is applicable to user attributes active in the
given issue type. |
ScarabPaginatedList | getUsers(String name, String username, MITList mitList, int offset, int resultSize, String sortColumn, String sortPolarity, boolean includeCommitters) Gets users for a given criteria, starting at a particular offset,
for a given length, and have at least one permission that is
applicable to user attributes active in the given issue type. |
boolean | isEndlessLoop(Module parent) |
boolean | isGlobalModule() Returns true if this module is the the top level parent module. |
boolean | isInitializing() Returns true if no issue types are associated with this module, or if the module
is currently getting its initial values set. |
boolean | isIssueReasonRequired() Determines wether a 'reason' is required for every change in the issues
of this module. |
boolean | isIssueReasonRequiredInherited() Determines if the value of isIssueReasonRequired is due to the configuration
of this module or inherited from ancestors or default configuration. |
void | setCode(String code) |
void | setDeleted(boolean b) |
void | setDescription(String description) |
void | setHttpDomain(String domain) |
void | setModuleId(Integer v) |
void | setName(String name) |
void | setOwnerId(Integer v) |
void | setParent(Module module) |
void | setParentId(Integer v) |
void | setPort(String port) |
void | setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey key) |
void | setQaContactId(Integer v) |
void | setRealName(String name) |
void | setScarabInstanceId(String domain) |
void | setScheme(String scheme) |
void | setScriptName(String scriptName) |
void | setUrl(String url) |
String | toString() |