| java.lang.Object com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.AppletUtils
AppletUtils | public class AppletUtils (Code) | | This is the counterpart to com.lutris.applet.LBSConnection. This class
creates |
createAppletTag | public static String createAppletTag(HttpPresentationComms comms, String targetURL, String options, String[] parameterNames, String[] parameterValues, String alternateHtml)(Code) | | This assumes that if cookies are being used, the name of the cookie
is the application name. This is true if the StandardApplication is
being used.
Parameters: comms - HTTP communications object. Contains objects and interfaces to readthe request and send a response. Parameters: targetURL - The URL of the presentation object the applet should connect to.For example: "/package/Presentaion.po". The server name andpresentation path will automatically be added. Parameters: options - A list of various applet options to be included in the applet tag.For example: "code=myApplet.class width=400 height=100". Thesethree are required options. Parameters: parameterNames - An array of parameter names, for example: {"X", "Y", "maxIterations"}.This is optional. Parameters: parameterValues - An array of parameter values, for example: {"24", "19", "2000"}.Either this an parameterNames must be null, or theymust have the same number of elements. parameterNames[i] is matched up with parameterValues[i] .This is optional. Parameters: alternateHtml - Any HTML to display if the browser does notsupport applets. This is optional, and may be null. A string of the form "". |