Method Summary |
public String | getAppFileURIPath(String file) Get the URI path for a file in the application. |
public String | getApplicationPath() Returns the part of the request URI that refers to the application. |
public String | getAuthType() Returns the authentication scheme of the request, or null if none. |
public int | getContentLength() Returns the size of the request entity data, or -1 if not known. |
public String | getContentType() Returns the Internet Media Type of the request entity data, or null if
not known. |
public Cookie[] | getCookies() Gets the array of cookies found in this request. |
public long | getDateHeader(String name) Returns the value of a date header field, or -1 if not found. |
public String | getHeader(String name) Returns the value of a header field, or null if not known. |
public Enumeration | getHeaderNames() Returns an enumeration of strings representing the header names
for this request. |
public HttpServletRequest | getHttpServletRequest() Returns the original HttpServletRequest. |
public HttpPresentationInputStream | getInputStream() Returns an input stream for reading the request body. |
public int | getIntHeader(String name) Returns the value of an integer header field, or -1 if not found. |
public String | getMethod() Returns the method with which the request was made. |
public String | getParameter(String name) Returns a string containing the lone value of the specified query
parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist. |
public Enumeration | getParameterNames() Returns the parameter names for this request as an enumeration
of strings, or an empty enumeration if there are no parameters. |
public String[] | getParameterValues(String name) Returns the values of the specified query parameter for the request as
an array of strings, or a 0 length array if the named parameter does
not exist. |
public String | getPathInfo() Returns optional extra path information following the presentation
path, but immediately preceding the query string. |
public String | getPathTranslated() Returns extra path information translated to a real path. |
public String | getPresentationObjectPath() Returns the part of the request URI that refers to the presentation
object being invoked. |
public String | getPresentationObjectRelativePath() Returns the part of the request URI after the presentation
manager servlet, upto and including the presentation object .po,
but not any path info. |
public String | getPresentationPath() Returns the part of the request URI that refers to the application
object being invoked. |
public String | getPresentationURI() Returns the presentation URI. |
public String | getProtocol() Returns the protocol and version of the request as a string of
the form <protocol>/<major version>.<minor
version> . |
public String | getQueryString() Returns the query string part of the presentation URI, or null if none. |
public String | getRemoteAddr() Returns the IP address of the agent that sent the request. |
public String | getRemoteHost() Returns the fully qualified host name of the agent that sent the
request. |
public String | getRemoteUser() Returns the name of the user making this request, or null if not
known. |
public String | getRequestURI() Returns the request URI as a URL. |
public String | getScheme() Returns the scheme of the URL used in this request, for example
"http", "https", or "ftp". |
public String | getServerName() Returns the host name of the server that received the request. |
public int | getServerPort() Returns the port number on which this request was received. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() |
public void | setRequestedSessionIdFromCookie(boolean isFromCookie) |
public void | setRequestedSessionIdFromUrl(boolean isFromUrl) |