| com.lutris.logging.LogWriter com.lutris.logging.Log4jLogWriter
Log4jLogWriter | public class Log4jLogWriter extends LogWriter (Code) | | Class use to write log output to a particular LogChannel and level.
This class is PrintWriter, with println() causing a write.
One should use println() with this rather than write, as with a
LogChannel, since write doesn't write a full line.
Log4jLogWriter | protected Log4jLogWriter(LogChannel logChannel, String logLevel)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: logChannel - The log channel to write to. Parameters: logLevel - The level associated with this channel. |
Log4jLogWriter | protected Log4jLogWriter(LogChannel logChannel, int logLevel)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: logChannel - The log channel to write to. Parameters: logLevel - The level associated with this channel. |
getLevel | public int getLevel()(Code) | | Get the associate level.
println | public void println(String msg, Throwable throwable)(Code) | | Write a string and exception to the log file.
Parameters: msg - The message to log. Parameters: throwable - Exception or error to log. |