| java.lang.Object org.enhydra.xml.NodeImpl org.enhydra.xml.CharacterDataImpl org.enhydra.xml.CommentImpl
CommentImpl | public CommentImpl(CommentImpl node)(Code) | | Constructs a CommentImpl from the given node.
node, as a CommentImpl . |
CommentImpl | public CommentImpl(String value)(Code) | | Constructs a CommentImpl from the given node value.
value, as a String . |
CommentImpl | public CommentImpl(Node node)(Code) | | Constructs a CommentImpl from a given node,
as a Node
node, as Node . |
beginToString | protected void beginToString(StringBuffer sb, Indent indent)(Code) | | Method beginToString for this class writes the xml
comment prefix string and the comment string.
Parameters: sb - string buffer to add resulting string. Parameters: indent - used in formating the output. |
endToString | protected void endToString(StringBuffer sb, Indent indent)(Code) | | Method endToString writes the xml comment postfix string.
getNodeName | public String getNodeName()(Code) | | Returns the name ("#comment") associated with this node.
the name, as a String . |
getNodeType | public short getNodeType()(Code) | | Returns the node type.
the COMMENT_NODE node type. |