| |
| java.lang.Object barracudaDiscRack.presentation.BasePO
All known Subclasses: barracudaDiscRack.presentation.discMgmt.Edit, barracudaDiscRack.presentation.personMgmt.Register, barracudaDiscRack.presentation.discMgmt.DiscCatalog, barracudaDiscRack.presentation.personMgmt.Login,
BasePO | abstract public class BasePO implements HttpPresentation(Code) | | This is the parent Presentaion object. All presentation objects
should extend this class.
The run method looks for an event parameter and then calls
handle. If the "event" Parameter is not defined then
the handleDefault() method is called in your child class.
DISC_CATALOG_PAGE | public static String DISC_CATALOG_PAGE(Code) | | |
myPerson | protected Person myPerson(Code) | | Reference to the person logged in to the session
checkForUserLogin | protected void checkForUserLogin() throws ClientPageRedirectException, DiscRackPresentationException(Code) | | Checks the session data for a User, if not there then redirects to the login page
getApplication | public BarracudaDiscRackEnhydra getApplication()(Code) | | Returns the application object associated with the
current request.
the application object. |
getComms | public HttpPresentationComms getComms()(Code) | | Gets HttpPresentation object
The saved comms objectsto whichever subclass needs it |
getPageContentForEvent | public XMLObject getPageContentForEvent(String event) throws Exception(Code) | | If an event parameter is defined then this invokes the method that
handles that event.
event, the incoming event name exception: Exception - |
getUser | public Person getUser()(Code) | | Gets the user from the session
the person object in the session |
handleDefault | abstract public XMLObject handleDefault() throws HttpPresentationException(Code) | | This is the procedure that is called if there is no "event"
HTTP parameter found. It must be overriden by the subclass to
do default processing or error checking/handling.
String The String representation of the HTML or (other format)of the document to be displayed. This method would need to be changedif you wanted to return binary data as well. It returns a Stringfor simplicity right now. |
loggedInUserRequired | abstract protected boolean loggedInUserRequired()(Code) | | This method should be implemented in the subclass so that it returns
true if this particular request requires the user to be logged
in, otherwise false.
removeUserFromSession | public void removeUserFromSession()(Code) | | Method to remove the current user from the session
writeDebugMsg | public static void writeDebugMsg(String msg)(Code) | | Method to write a debugging message to the debug log
channel when the DEBUG flag is turned on
Parameters: msg - The message to write to the DEBUG log channel |