| java.util.Vector poker.business.PitBossListImpl
PitBossListImpl | public class PitBossListImpl extends Vector implements PitBossList,java.io.Serializable(Code) | | EnhyDraw!, beta 4, 5/21/99
Copyright 1999, Larry Wolcot & Daryl Tempesta
ALL rights reserved. Not for commercial use
without written permission from both authors.
FIX: This thing only runs in "Vector" mode for now.
I ran outta time to finish :(
Hopefully, I can get some time to finish in the next few months.
This is the PitBossList object that does all of the database dirtywork.
specific to each game module like Poker, BlackJack21 and Slots.
PitBossListImpl | public PitBossListImpl()(Code) | | Public Constructor
addPitBoss | public synchronized void addPitBoss(PitBossVDO thisPitBoss)(Code) | | Send to the Vector() or the DB depending on the useDB flag
This is where we hook into the DODS_GameData Object
addPitBossToDB | public synchronized void addPitBossToDB(PitBossVDO thisPitBossVDO) throws Exception(Code) | | This is a private method that maps the PokerGame to
a GameDataDO Object so it can be inserted into the database.
getCopy | protected PitBossList getCopy()(Code) | | This method returns a copy of the PitBoss object.
getDoesExist | public boolean getDoesExist(String name)(Code) | | This method ddtermines which storage medium is ised, then
doles the exists request to the right place.
getPitBossInMemory | public synchronized PitBossVDO getPitBossInMemory(String name)(Code) | | Return the game that belongs to user name
from the Vector in memory
getPitBossVDO | public PitBossVDO getPitBossVDO(String name)(Code) | | This method ddtermines which storage medium is ised, then
doles the getGameByName request to the right place.
setUseDB | public void setUseDB(boolean useDB) throws Exception(Code) | | Here is where we determine how to store our data.. db or memory.
updatePitBoss | public synchronized void updatePitBoss(PitBossVDO thisVDO)(Code) | | Check to see if the DO changes need to be updated to the DB