Deletes the employee from database.
exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursdeleting data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the address.
the address. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the birth date for the employee
the birth date. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee city.
the employee city. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's country.
the employee country. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's email.
the employee email. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the firstname for the employee
the firstname. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the object id for the employee
the object id. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the hire date for the employee
the hire date. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's home phone.
the employee home phone. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Returns true if the employee is admin.
true if the employee is admin. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the lastname for the employee
the lastname. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the login name for the employee
the login name. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's mobile phone.
the employee mobile phone. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's notes.
the employee notes. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the password for the employee
the password. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's postal code.
the employee postal code. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the employee's region.
the employee region. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the title for the employee
the title. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Gets the title of courtesy for the employee
the title of courtesy. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Commits all changes to the database.
exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occursretrieving data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the address for the customer.
Parameters: the - address. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the birth date for the employee.
Parameters: the - birth date. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's city.
Parameters: the - employee's city. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's country.
Parameters: the - employee's country. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's email.
Parameters: the - employee's email. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the firstname for the employee.
Parameters: the - firstname. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the hire date for the employee.
Parameters: the - hire date. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's home phone.
Parameters: the - employee's home phone. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the flag that indicates if employee is admin.
Parameters: isAdmin - Indication if employee is admin. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the lastname for the employee.
Parameters: the - lastname. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the login name for the employee.
Parameters: the - login name. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's mobile phone.
Parameters: the - employee's mobile phone. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's notes.
Parameters: the - employee's notes. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the password for the employee.
Parameters: the - password. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's postal code.
Parameters: the - employee's postal code. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the employee's region.
Parameters: the - employee's region. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the title for the employee.
Parameters: the - title. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).
Sets the title of courtesy for the employee.
Parameters: the - title of courtesy. exception: ProjectManagementBusinessException - if an error occurssetting the data (usually due to an underlying data layererror).