| com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.Controller com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.DBController com.jcorporate.expresso.ext.controller.ComponentManager
ComponentManager | public class ComponentManager extends DBController (Code) | | Component Manager Controller
Description: The Expresso Framework
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2002
Company: JCorporate Ltd.
Component Manager is a short application to assist in the addition and
removal of various Expresso-based components in an easy-to-use interface
The version that ships with Expresso 5.0 is marked Experimental and
should not be used in a production environment unless your data has first been
backed up.
Also note that the removal of a component also deletes the underlying
tables and their associated data. Be sure to export any tables' data before
removing a component
author: Michael Rimov since: Expresso 5.0 |
Method Summary | |
public String | getTitle() | boolean | isSchemaInstalled(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, String className) Helper function that returns true if the schema does exist in the SchemaList
Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. Parameters: className - The name of the class to try to load. | protected ArrayList | parseMarkedClassNames(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) | protected ControllerResponse | runComponentDetailsState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Lists the details of a particular schema component.
Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected ControllerResponse | runListState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Lists the currently installed Schemas
Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected ControllerResponse | runProcessAddState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected ControllerResponse | runProcessDeleteState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected ControllerResponse | runPromptAddState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected ControllerResponse | runPromptDeleteState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. | protected void | runVerifyInstallState(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) |
ComponentManager | public ComponentManager()(Code) | | |
getTitle | public String getTitle()(Code) | | Returns the title of this controller
java.lang.String |
isSchemaInstalled | boolean isSchemaInstalled(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, String className)(Code) | | Helper function that returns true if the schema does exist in the SchemaList
Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object handed downby the base controller class. Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse object that is filledout by this function. Parameters: className - The name of the class to try to load. true if the schema classname is found in the SchemaList |
Methods inherited from com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.Controller | protected void addFinalState(State newFinalState) throws NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addPromptTransitions(State nextState, ControllerResponse response) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addRegDomainParamtoSession(HttpServletRequest req, ControllerRequest creq, String regDomain) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addRequestedURLtoSession(HttpServletRequest req, ControllerRequest creq) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addState(State newState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addStatePairing(State promptState, State handleState, String stateFormClass) throws NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void endTimer(long beginTimer, HttpServletRequest request)(Code)(Java Doc) public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException(Code)(Java Doc) protected ActionForm findControllerForm(ControllerRequest request) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String generateToken(ControllerRequest request)(Code)(Java Doc) protected ActionForward getActionForward(ServletControllerRequest req, ActionConfig mapping, ControllerResponse res) throws NonHandleableException, ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Transition getControllerChainingTransition()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Transition getControllerSecurityTransition()(Code)(Java Doc) public State getFinalState()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getInitialState()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized Logger getLogger()(Code)(Java Doc) public static String[] getParamValues(ServletControllerRequest request, String paramName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest req)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected String getSchema()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized Stack getSchemaHierarchy()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Schema getSchemaInstance()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized Stack getSchemaStack()(Code)(Java Doc) final public State getState(String stateName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Hashtable getStates()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getString(String stringCode)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getString(String stringCode, Object[] args)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTitle()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void handleException(HttpServletRequest req, ControllerRequest creq, String dbName, String userName, Throwable theException) throws ServletException(Code)(Java Doc) public static synchronized Controller instantiate(String className) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isFinalState(String newState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isHandleState(State nextState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isPromptState(State nextState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isTokenValid(ControllerRequest request)(Code)(Java Doc) protected StateForm loadStateForm(State nextState, ActionForm controllerForm) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) public ControllerResponse newState(String newState, ControllerRequest myRequest) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String nextHandleState(State nextState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String nextPromptState(State nextState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateStateForm(StateForm stateForm, ControllerRequest request) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void postPerform(State nextState, ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void prePerform(State nextState, ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String previousPromptState(State nextState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processRequestTransitions(State nextState, ControllerRequest request) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Transition processTransitions(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, State nextState) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void redirectRequest(HttpServletResponse response, String redirectURL) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void redirectRequest(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, String redirectURL) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected ForwardConfig remapFromExtension(ForwardConfig fwd, ActionConfig mapping, ServletControllerRequest req) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void resetToken(ControllerRequest request)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void saveToken(ControllerRequest request)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setControllerChainingTransition(Transition newControllerChainingTransition) throws NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setControllerSecurityTransition(Transition newControllerSecurityTransition)(Code)(Java Doc) public ControllerResponse setCurrentState(String newState, ControllerRequest params) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setInitialState(String newInitialState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSchema(String schemaClass)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSchema(Class schemaClass)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setupDefaultValues(String dbName) throws DBException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setupReturnToSender(State nextState, ControllerRequest request) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected synchronized void setupSubclassLog()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean stateAllowed(String newState, ControllerRequest params) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void transition(String newState, ControllerRequest req, ControllerResponse res) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void transition(String newState, Class externalController, ControllerRequest req, ControllerResponse res) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void transition(String newState, ControllerRequest req, ControllerResponse res, boolean clear) throws ControllerException, NonHandleableException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void unloadStateForm(StateForm stateForm, ActionForm controllerForm) throws ControllerException(Code)(Java Doc)