SelectInputDate is a JSF component class that represents an ICEfaces input
date selector.
The component extends the ICEfaces extended HTMLPanelGroup.
By default the component is rendered by the "com.icesoft.faces.Calendar"
renderer type.
author: Greg McCleary version: 1.1
getWeekRowClass() Returns the style class name of the weekRowClass The style class is
defined in an external style sheet.
the style class name applied to the weekRow.
public boolean
isNavEvent() A navEvent value of true indicates that a navEvent has occured.
Returns the style class name applied to the day cells in the
SelectInputDate calendar.
the style class name that is applied to the SelectInputDate daycells
Returns the style class name used for the row containing the month and
Year. The style class is defined in an external style sheet.
the style class name applied to the monthYearRow. If amonthYearRowClass attribute has not been set the default will beused.
Returns the style class name of the weekRowClass The style class is
defined in an external style sheet.
the style class name applied to the weekRow. If a weekRowClassattribute has not been set the default will be used.
Sets the directory where the images used by this component are located.
Parameters: imageDir - the directory where the images used by this component arelocated
Set the date value of the navDate. The navDate is used to render a
calendar when the user is navigating from month to month or year to
Parameters: navDate - a Date assigned to the navDate.
Setting the showPopup attribute to true will render the SelectInputDate
popup calendar.
Parameters: showPopup - a value of true will cause the popup calendar to berendered