Method Summary |
public int | getGreetingAckTimeOut() gets the time out period within which the host will listen for acknowledgement messages after sending a greeting. |
public int | getGreetingListeningPort() gets the port on which the DiscoveryManager is listening for a discovery greeting response. |
public String | getListeningIp() |
public int | getListeningPort() gets the port on which the DiscoveryManager is listening for a discovery
request. |
public int | getTimeToLive() gets the time to live of the multicast socket. |
public void | setGreetingAckTimeOut(int listeningPort) sets the time out period within which the host will listen for acknowledgement messages after sending a greeting. |
public void | setGreetingListeningPort(int listeningPort) sets the port on which the DiscoveryManager is listening for a discovery greeting response. |
public void | setListeningIp(String listeningIp) sets the IP address the listening manager uses. |
public void | setListeningPort(int listeningPort) sets the port on which the DiscoveryManager is listening. |
public void | setTimeToLive(int ttl) sets the time to live value to ttl. |
void | start() starts the listening task on the listeningPort and listening Ip defined
with the parameters. |
void | stop() |