_testCohSetMultiVarious(int tx) Set a relation to multiple
Some of element was already in this relation, other was in other relation,
and other wasn't in any relation.
public void
_testCohSetOne(int tx) Set a empty relation with 1 element.
Add an element to a empty relation.
Same as _testBasicSetOne except that we add the element in the collection
instead of we set directly the collection.
Before: as0 bs0
After: as0 -> bs0
Check that the bean 'as1' has only one relation with 'bs1_1'.
public void _testBasicRemoveInRel(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Remove an element in a relation.
Before: a3 -> b3_1
Change: a3.retrieveB().remove(b3_1)
After: a3 b3_1
See Spec chapter, change example: a1.getB().remove(b1n)
public void _testBasicSetEmpty(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Set a relation to empty.
Before: as1 -> bs1_1
After: as1 bs1_1
public void _testBasicSetMulti(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Re-Set a relation with N element.
Before: as1 -> bs1_1
After: as1 -> bs0
as1 -> bs3
Set a empty relation with 1 element. This added element was'nt already in
an other relation. Before: as0 b0 After: as0 -> b0
public void _testCmrMultiIsInit(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Test that a muti-valued cmr field is initialized to an empty collection after its creation.
See spec. 2.0, & 10.5.5 page 171
public void _testCohAddAllInMulti(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Add elements in an relationship.
The relationship was not already empty.
One element added had no relation, the other element had a relation
public void _testCohAddOneInMulti(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Add an element to a relation already multiple.
The element was already in a relation.
Check also the assignement rules for relationships.
Before: a1 -> b1_1
-> b1_2
-> b1_3
a3 -> b3_1
Change: a1.addInB(b3_1)
After: a1 -> b1_1
-> b1_2
-> b1_3
-> b3_1
See Spec chapter, change example: a1.getB().add(b2m)
public void _testCohBeanRemove(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Remove a bean B which is in a relation.
Same as _testCohRemove except that the rcalled remove method is on the bean
instead of the home.
Before: a3 -> b3_1
change: B.remove(b3_1)
After: a3
public void _testCohSetMultiVarious(int tx) throws Exception(Code)
Set a relation to multiple
Some of element was already in this relation, other was in other relation,
and other wasn't in any relation.
Check also the assignement rules for relationships.
Set a empty relation with 1 element.
This added element was already in a other relation.
Before: a0
a3 -> b3_1
Change: a0.assignB({b3_1})
After: a0 -> b3_1