serverStarted() This method is called by checkit() when the represented server is not
in RUNNING state but its connection works.
public void
setInfoSet(boolean infoSet) Set the indicator value to true after execting the getInfo() method,
and to false when detecting that server become unreacheable or stopping.
Constructor used when a server is discovered
Parameters: serverName - the name of the managed server Parameters: dm - the domain monitor which treated the discovery notification
Constructor used for a new domain.xml entry or for
a server added to the domain by a management application.
Also used when creating the ServerProxy for the local server.
Parameters: dm - current domain monitor Parameters: serverName - the name of the managed server Parameters: urls - Collection of urls to cinnect to the server Parameters: cdp - possible clusterdaemon
This method is called by checkit() when the represented server is not
in RUNNING state but its connection works. This is good, it means
that the server is RUNNING.
Set the indicator value to true after execting the getInfo() method,
and to false when detecting that server become unreacheable or stopping.
Parameters: infoSet - indicator value to set
Undeploy a module on the remote server
Parameters: fileName - Name of the file containing module (or app) to undeploy
public void uploadDeployModule(String fileName, boolean replaceExisting)(Code)
Upload a file on remote server and deploy it.
Parameters: fileName - file to upload. One among .war,.jar,.ear,.rar Parameters: replaceExisting - if true, replace the existing file if any
public void uploadFile(String fileName, boolean replaceExisting)(Code)
Upload a file on remote server for deployment
Parameters: fileName - file to upload. One among .war,.jar,.ear,.rar Parameters: replaceExisting - if true, replace the existing file if any throws: IOException -
Fields inherited from