| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.jonas.stests.appli.DistrictEC2R
DistrictEC2R | abstract public class DistrictEC2R implements javax.ejb.EntityBean(Code) | | |
ejbContext | javax.ejb.EntityContext ejbContext(Code) | | |
ejbActivate | public void ejbActivate()(Code) | | |
ejbLoad | public void ejbLoad()(Code) | | |
ejbPassivate | public void ejbPassivate()(Code) | | |
ejbRemove | public void ejbRemove() throws javax.ejb.RemoveException(Code) | | |
ejbStore | public void ejbStore()(Code) | | |
getDistrictId | abstract public int getDistrictId()(Code) | | |
getDistrictName | abstract public String getDistrictName()(Code) | | |
getNextOrder | abstract public int getNextOrder()(Code) | | |
getNextOrderId | public int getNextOrderId(boolean increment)(Code) | | Gets the district's next order number
throws: RemoteException - if an RMI exception occurs Parameters: increment - a boolean. If true, the order number is incremented afterafter it is returned. If false, the order number is not incremented. an int which represents the next order number |
setDistrictId | abstract public void setDistrictId(int id)(Code) | | |
setDistrictName | abstract public void setDistrictName(String w)(Code) | | |
setEntityContext | public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext ctx)(Code) | | |
setNextOrder | abstract public void setNextOrder(int o)(Code) | | |
setNextOrderId | public void setNextOrderId(int order)(Code) | | |
setWarehouseId | abstract public void setWarehouseId(String w)(Code) | | |
unsetEntityContext | public void unsetEntityContext()(Code) | | |