| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.jonas.stests.appli.ItemEC2R
ItemEC2R | abstract public class ItemEC2R implements javax.ejb.EntityBean(Code) | | |
ejbContext | javax.ejb.EntityContext ejbContext(Code) | | |
ejbActivate | public void ejbActivate()(Code) | | |
ejbCreate | public String ejbCreate(Integer id, String name, float price, String data) throws javax.ejb.CreateException(Code) | | Creates an item bean
throws: RemoteException - if an RMI exception occurs throws: CreateException - if the item cannot be created Parameters: id - an int which represents the item id Parameters: name - a String which represents the item name Parameters: price - a float which represents the item's price Parameters: data - a String which contains additional information about the item |
ejbLoad | public void ejbLoad()(Code) | | |
ejbPassivate | public void ejbPassivate()(Code) | | |
ejbRemove | public void ejbRemove() throws javax.ejb.RemoveException(Code) | | |
ejbStore | public void ejbStore()(Code) | | |
getItemPrice | abstract public float getItemPrice()(Code) | | |
setEntityContext | public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext ctx)(Code) | | |
setItemInfo | abstract public void setItemInfo(String f3)(Code) | | |
setItemName | abstract public void setItemName(String f2)(Code) | | |
setItemPrice | abstract public void setItemPrice(float f2)(Code) | | |
unsetEntityContext | public void unsetEntityContext()(Code) | | |