implements deployment process and declares commons abstract methods for all
(used) Web services engine. Actually we consider Glue and AXIS.
author: Guillaume Sauthier author: Xavier Delplanque
deployWebServices(Context ctx) Get, update and publish WSDL documents contained in a set of jars and
Parameters: ctx - the context containing the configuration to deploy the wars. This context contains the following parameters : -jarUrls the list of the urls of the jars to deploy.
Get, update and publish WSDL documents contained in a set of jars and
Parameters: ctx - the context containing the configuration to deploy the wars. This context contains the following parameters : -jarUrls the list of the urls of the jars to deploy. - warUrlsthe list of the urls of the wars to deploy. - ejbClassLoaderthe classLoader of the ejbs(used for webapps too). -earClassLoader the ear classLoader of the j2ee app. -warCtxRootMapping the webapps contextRoots with associated warname. - unpackDir the directory where EAR has been unpacked(optionnal for pure webapp webservices). throws: WSServiceException - if an error occurs during the deployment.