| |
| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.genic.VcMethod
VcMethod | public class VcMethod (Code) | | This class is the "Velocity context" for a interface method or a bean method used in the Velocity Templates.
author: Helene Joanin (Bull) : Initial developer author: Santiago Gala (sgala@hisitech.com) - 00/09/14 - Parameters can be followed by a number in the WHERE clause author: Joe Gittings has proposed to code method signature for security author: in order to avoid same signature for inherited methods. |
METHOD_CREATE | final static byte METHOD_CREATE(Code) | | home.create method
METHOD_EJB_ACTIVATE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_ACTIVATE(Code) | | bean.ejbActivate() method
METHOD_EJB_CREATE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_CREATE(Code) | | bean.ebjCreate method
METHOD_EJB_LOAD | final static byte METHOD_EJB_LOAD(Code) | | bean.ejbLoad() method
METHOD_EJB_POST_CREATE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_POST_CREATE(Code) | | bean.ejbPostCreate method
METHOD_EJB_REMOVE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_REMOVE(Code) | | bean.ejbRemove() method
METHOD_EJB_SELECT_COL | final static byte METHOD_EJB_SELECT_COL(Code) | | bean.ejbSelectXxx() method that returns a Collection
METHOD_EJB_SELECT_SET | final static byte METHOD_EJB_SELECT_SET(Code) | | bean.ejbSelectXxx() method that returns a Set
METHOD_EJB_SELECT_SIMPLE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_SELECT_SIMPLE(Code) | | bean.ejbSelectXxx() method that returns a simple object
METHOD_EJB_SET_ENTITY_CONTEXT | final static byte METHOD_EJB_SET_ENTITY_CONTEXT(Code) | | bean.setEntityContext() method
METHOD_EJB_STORE | final static byte METHOD_EJB_STORE(Code) | | bean.ejbStore() method
METHOD_FINDER_ALL | final static byte METHOD_FINDER_ALL(Code) | | home.findXxx() method
METHOD_FINDER_BY_PK | final static byte METHOD_FINDER_BY_PK(Code) | | home.findByPrimaryKey(pk) method
METHOD_FINDER_COL | final static byte METHOD_FINDER_COL(Code) | | home.findXxx() method that returns a Collection
METHOD_FINDER_ENUM | final static byte METHOD_FINDER_ENUM(Code) | | home.findXxx() method that returns an Enumeration
METHOD_FINDER_SIMPLE | final static byte METHOD_FINDER_SIMPLE(Code) | | home.findXxx() method that returns a simple object
METHOD_REMOVE_HANDLE | final static byte METHOD_REMOVE_HANDLE(Code) | | home.remove(handle) method
METHOD_REMOVE_PK | final static byte METHOD_REMOVE_PK(Code) | | home.remove(primarykey) method
METHOD_REMOVE_THIS | final static byte METHOD_REMOVE_THIS(Code) | | EJBObject.remove() method
VcMethod | VcMethod(Method method, MethodDesc methodDesc, BeanDesc dd)(Code) | | VcMethod constructor
Parameters: method - java.lang.reflect.Method method description Parameters: methodDesc - method description Parameters: dd - bean description of the associated bean |
canThrowCreate | public boolean canThrowCreate()(Code) | | Return true if the method throws the javax.ejb.createException exception |
getActualParameters | public String getActualParameters()(Code) | | Return the string representation of the actual parameters list (ie "p1, p2") |
getArrayObjectParameters | public String getArrayObjectParameters()(Code) | | Gets an empty array if no parameters and return an array of objects of the parameters if any
array of objects |
getCapName | public String getCapName()(Code) | | Return the name of the method with the first letter capitalized |
getDefaultValue | public String getDefaultValue()(Code) | | the string representation of the java default value for the cmp field (ie "0 "for int, "null" for object ...) |
getExceptionList | public String getExceptionList()(Code) | | Return the string representation of the exception list of the method |
getFormalParameters | public String getFormalParameters()(Code) | | Return the string representation of the formal parameters list (ie "int p1, String p2") |
getMethodIndex | public int getMethodIndex()(Code) | | Return the index of the method. This is a unique index for each method of a bean. |
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Return the name of the method |
getParamList | public Vector getParamList()(Code) | | Return the VcParam list of the method |
getParamWhereList | public Vector getParamWhereList()(Code) | | Only for CMP1 finder methods
Return the VcParamWhere list of the method |
getParameterTypes | public Class[] getParameterTypes()(Code) | | Return the Class array of the parameters of the method |
getParametersNumber | public int getParametersNumber()(Code) | | Return the number of the parameters of the method |
getResFieldOfEjbql | public org.objectweb.medor.api.Field getResFieldOfEjbql()(Code) | | Only for CMP2 finder/select methods
Return the Medor field of tuple result of an Finder/Select method |
getReturnType | public String getReturnType()(Code) | | Return the name of the return type of the method |
getSecuritySignature | public String getSecuritySignature()(Code) | | Return the string representation of the security signature of the method |
getSqlStmt | public String getSqlStmt()(Code) | | Only for CMP1 finder methods
Return the string representation of the SQL statement associated to the method |
getTupleGetter | public String getTupleGetter()(Code) | | Only for CMP2 finder/select methods
Return the Medor get method name of the tuple result of an ejbSelect method |
getTupleGetterObjectClass | public String getTupleGetterObjectClass()(Code) | | Only for CMP2 finder/select methos
Return the associated class of the Medor getter method of the tuple result of an ejbSelect method when it's a primtive type |
getTxAttribute | public int getTxAttribute()(Code) | | Return the transactional attribute associated to the method |
getWrapperType | public String getWrapperType()(Code) | | the string representation of the wrapper type for the field |
isCreate | public boolean isCreate()(Code) | | Return true if the method is home.create() |
isEjbActivate | public boolean isEjbActivate()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbActivate() |
isEjbCreate | public boolean isEjbCreate()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbCreate() |
isEjbLoad | public boolean isEjbLoad()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbLoad() |
isEjbPostCreate | public boolean isEjbPostCreate()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbPostCreate() |
isEjbRemove | public boolean isEjbRemove()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbRemove() |
isEjbSelectCol | public boolean isEjbSelectCol()(Code) | | Return true if the method is an ejbSelect method that returns a Collection |
isEjbSelectSet | public boolean isEjbSelectSet()(Code) | | Return true if the method is an ejbSelect method that returns a Set |
isEjbSelectSimple | public boolean isEjbSelectSimple()(Code) | | Return true if the method is an ejbSelect method that returns a unique object |
isEjbSetEntityContext | public boolean isEjbSetEntityContext()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.setEntityContext() |
isEjbStore | public boolean isEjbStore()(Code) | | Return true if the method is bean.ejbStore() |
isEjbqlReturnLocalBean | public boolean isEjbqlReturnLocalBean()(Code) | | Return true if the method is a finder/select method that return a local bean |
isEjbqlReturnRemoteBean | public boolean isEjbqlReturnRemoteBean()(Code) | | Return true if the method is a finder/select method that return a remote bean |
isFinderAll | public boolean isFinderAll()(Code) | | Return false because we are not able to know if a finder method is a FinderAll method !! |
isFinderByPk | public boolean isFinderByPk()(Code) | | Return true if the method is the findByPrimaryKey() method |
isFinderCol | public boolean isFinderCol()(Code) | | Return true if the method is a finder method that returns a Collection |
isFinderEnum | public boolean isFinderEnum()(Code) | | Return true if the method is a finder method that returns a Enumeration |
isFinderSimple | public boolean isFinderSimple()(Code) | | Return true if the method is a finder method that returns a unique object |
isRemoveHandle | public boolean isRemoveHandle()(Code) | | Return true if the method is home.remove(handle); |
isRemovePk | public boolean isRemovePk()(Code) | | Return true if the method is home.remove(primarykey) |
isRemoveThis | public boolean isRemoveThis()(Code) | | Return true if the method is EJBObject.remove() method |
isTupleGetterPrimitive | public boolean isTupleGetterPrimitive()(Code) | | Only for CMP2 finder/select methods
Return true is the return type of the Medor getter method of the tuple result of an ejbSelect method is a primitive type |
splitPath | String[] splitPath(String path)(Code) | | Split a dot separated path into tokens
Parameters: path - input path to split Return the string array of the splited token |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Return a string representation of the VcMethod object for debug use |