| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.genic.VcParam
VcParam | public class VcParam (Code) | | This class is the "Velocity context" for a parameter of a finder/select method for CMP2 only,
used in the Velocity Templates.
author: Helene Joanin : Initial developer |
VcParam | VcParam(Class type, BeanDesc dd)(Code) | | VcParam Constructor
Parameters: type - parameter class Parameters: dd - bean descriptor |
getEjbName | public String getEjbName()(Code) | | If the parameter is a local bean, returns the name of this local bean |
getJormType | public String getJormType()(Code) | | Returns the JORM type's name of the parameter |
getTypeName | public String getTypeName()(Code) | | Returns the type's name of the parameter |
isEjbLocal | public boolean isEjbLocal()(Code) | | Returns true if the parameter is a local bean |