| |
| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.AbsDeploymentDesc org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.RarDeploymentDesc
RarDeploymentDesc | public class RarDeploymentDesc extends AbsDeploymentDesc (Code) | | This class extends the AbsDeploymentDescriptor class of JOnAS
It provides a description of the specific RAR desployment descriptor
author: Eric Hardesty |
RarDeploymentDesc | public RarDeploymentDesc(ClassLoader classLoader, Connector connector, JonasConnector jonasConnector) throws RarDeploymentDescException(Code) | | Construct an instance of a RarDeploymentDesc.
Called by the RarDeploymentDescManager.getInstance() method.
Parameters: classLoader - ClassLoader of the classes . Parameters: connector - ra.xml parsed file. Parameters: jonasConnector - jonas-ra.xml parsed file. throws: RarDeploymentDescException - if we can't build an instance. |
getConnector | public Connector getConnector()(Code) | | Get the current Connector
the current Connector. |
getConnectorDesc | public ConnectorDesc getConnectorDesc()(Code) | | Get the current ConnectorDesc.
the current ConnectorDesc. |
getJOnASXmlContent | public String getJOnASXmlContent()(Code) | | Return the content of the jonas-ra.xml file
the content of the jonas-ra.xml file |
getJonasConfigPropTags | public JonasConfigPropertyDesc[] getJonasConfigPropTags()(Code) | | Get the config-property tags of the jonas-ra.xml file.
the config-property tags of the jonas-ra.xml file. |
getJonasConnectorDesc | public JonasConnectorDesc getJonasConnectorDesc()(Code) | | Get the current JonasConnectorDesc.
the current JonasConnectorDesc. |
getRaConfigPropTags | public ConfigPropertyDesc[] getRaConfigPropTags()(Code) | | Get the config-property tags of the ra.xml file.
the config-property tags of the ra.xml file. |
getXmlContent | public String getXmlContent()(Code) | | Return the content of the ra.xml file
the content of the ra.xml file |
setJOnASXmlContent | public void setJOnASXmlContent(String jXml)(Code) | | Set the content of the jonas-ra.xml file
Parameters: jXml - the content of the file |
setRaConfigPropTags | public void setRaConfigPropTags(Connector conn)(Code) | | Set the config-property tags of the ra.xml file.
Parameters: conn - the Connector objeect with the config-property tags of the ra.xml file. |
setXmlContent | public void setXmlContent(String xml)(Code) | | Set the content of the ra.xml file
Parameters: xml - the content of the file |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Return a String representation of the RarDeploymentDesc.
a String representation of the RarDeploymentDesc. |
Fields inherited from org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.AbsDeploymentDesc | protected String displayName(Code)(Java Doc)