| java.lang.Object java.util.EventObject org.jaffa.presentation.portlet.FormKeyChangeEvent
FormKeyChangeEvent | public class FormKeyChangeEvent extends EventObject (Code) | | This event is typically created by the ActionBase when processing an event for a component, that has a ContainerFormKey.
It will then fire the FormKeyChangeListener registered with the component, passing the FormKeyChangeEvent object.
The Component will fire the FormKeyChangeEvents on the listeners during the quit(), passing the ReturnToFormKey.
author: GautamJ |
FormKeyChangeEvent | public FormKeyChangeEvent(Object source, FormKey newFormKey)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of FormKeyChangeEvent
Parameters: source - the Object that is the source of the event (typically this). Parameters: newFormKey - the new FormKey object. |
getNewFormKey | public FormKey getNewFormKey()(Code) | | Getter for property newFormKey.
Value of property newFormKey. |