Method that adds a criterion from the the list of
allowable criteria to the list of concrete criteria. It
dynamically instanciates a FormCriterion object
depending on the type of the allowable criterion.
Parameters: mapName - the name that identifies the allowable criterionin the map
Method that adds a criterion from the the list of
allowable criteria to the list of concrete criteria. It
dynamically instanciates a FormCriterion object
depending on the type of the allowable criterion.
Parameters: mapName - the name that identifies the allowable criterionin the map Parameters: criterion - Instance de critere a ajouter
Abstract method that must be implemented to returns
the list of allowable criteria. In other words, it
returns the types of criteria that can be instanciated.
an array containing the allowable criteria
Methods that returns the FormCriterion associated
to the name passed as argument
Parameters: name - the name of the criterion to be retrieved a FormCriterion object or nullif the criterion doesn't exist.