| de.schlund.pfixxml.exceptionprocessor.ExceptionProcessor
All known Subclasses: de.schlund.pfixxml.exceptionprocessor.UniversalExceptionProcessor, de.schlund.pfixxml.exceptionprocessor.PageForwardingExceptionProcessor,
ExceptionProcessor | public interface ExceptionProcessor (Code) | | Every ExceptionProcessor that is configured to process exceptions
via the processor -attribute in the exception -tag of the
pustefix servlet-configuration file, must implement this interface.
Classes that implement this interface must provide a no-args constructor,
and the
ExceptionProcessor.processException processException -method should be thread-safe.
Look at the
processException(Throwable,ExceptionConfig,PfixServletRequest,ServletContext,HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse res) processException -method
for further details how to implement this interface.
If the implementation doesn't output a response, a ServletException is thrown.
author: Benjamin Reitzammer version: $Id: ExceptionProcessor.java 3302 2007-11-30 16:56:16Z jenstl $ |
processException | public void processException(Throwable exception, ExceptionConfig exConfig, PfixServletRequest pfixReq, ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Properties properties) throws IOException, ServletException(Code) | | If implementing classes forward the request, in which an exception occurred, they
should make sure, to save the occurred exception with
de.schlund.pfixxml.PfixServletRequest.setLastException(Throwable) PfixServletRequest.setLastException() .
This is needed, so that
de.schlund.pfixxml.ServletManager ServletManager can prevent infinite forwarding loops.
Parameters: exception - is not allowed to be null Parameters: exConfig - the ExceptionConfig ExceptionConfig-instance thatcorresponds to the type of the exception -param that shouldbe handled by this SimpleExceptionProcessor -object Parameters: pfixReq - the pustefix-specific request object of the current request, duringwhich the exception occurred Parameters: servletContext - the javax.servlet.ServletContext ServletContext-instancein which the request is answered Parameters: req - the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest HttpServletRequest of the current request Parameters: res - the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse HttpServletResponse of the current request Parameters: properties - |