This class provides an interface between standard java beans and the rest of the framework.
This allows EJBs or other Java Beans to be bound to GUI components so their values can be displayed and manipulated in pages.
This class won't automatically retrieve data as the standard datastore does.
This type is used to evaluate java-like expressions using rows in a DataBuffer.
The class needs to be passed a String containing the expression that will be used.
Thin wrapper for DB2 "SqlException" and "DB2Sqlca", to make it look like a real Exception with
a working getMessage() that presents the almost-human-readable string hidden in the Sqlca
(what does "CA" stand for, anyway?) instead of the normal random garbage that you get from a DB2
SQLException, like "SQLCode -321, SqlState 32891, SqlErrMc null".
This class abstracts and simplifies the process of getting database connections from connection pools and connection managers, provides some transaction support as well as a wrapper for the java.sql.Connection class.
The constructor for this class is private.
This class performs referential integrity checking functions even if the underlying database doesn't.
Each IntegrityChecker object should correspond to a single DataStore.