| java.lang.Object com.salmonllc.html.events.FileUploadEvent
FileUploadEvent | public class FileUploadEvent (Code) | | This object will be created and passed to every file upload event method.
See Also: FileUploadListener |
Constructor Summary | |
public | FileUploadEvent(HtmlPage page, HtmlComponent comp, String name, String fullName, String fileName, byte[] content, String mimeType, int row) | public | FileUploadEvent(HtmlPage page, HtmlComponent comp, String name, String fullName, String fileName, String shortFileName, byte[] content, String mimeType, int row) |
_content | byte[] _content(Code) | | |
getComponent | public HtmlComponent getComponent()(Code) | | This method returns the component that sumbitted the page.
getContent | public byte[] getContent()(Code) | | This method returns the content for the file uploaded
getFileName | public String getFileName()(Code) | | This method returns the name of the file that was uploaded
getFullName | public String getFullName()(Code) | | This method returns the full name (name of component appended to the name of its containers) of the component that submitted the page.
getMimeType | public String getMimeType()(Code) | | This method returns the mime type of the file that was uploaded.
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | This method returns the name of the component that submitted the page.
getPage | public HtmlPage getPage()(Code) | | This method returns the page for which the submit was performed.
getRow | public int getRow()(Code) | | This method returns the row for which the submit was performed.
getShortFileName | public String getShortFileName()(Code) | | This method returns the short name of the file that was uploaded