001: // @@
002: // @@
003: /*
004: * Wi.Ser Framework
005: *
006: * Version: 1.8.1, 20-September-2007
007: * Copyright (C) 2005 Dirk von der Weiden <dvdw@imail.de>
008: *
009: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
010: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
011: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
012: * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
013: *
014: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
015: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
017: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
018: *
019: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
020: * License along with this library located in LGPL.txt in the
021: * license directory; if not, write to the
022: * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
023: * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
024: *
025: * If this agreement does not cover your requirements, please contact us
026: * via email to get detailed information about the commercial license
027: * or our service offerings!
028: *
029: */
030: // @@
031: package de.ug2t.kernel;
033: import java.beans.*;
034: import java.io.*;
035: import java.nio.channels.*;
036: import java.util.*;
038: import javax.servlet.http.*;
040: import de.ug2t.channel.markup.generic.*;
041: import de.ug2t.channel.markup.session.*;
042: import de.ug2t.unifiedGui.interfaces.*;
044: /**
045: * @author Dirk
046: *
047: * date: 02.01.2004 project: WiSer-Framework
048: *
049: * <p>
050: * A set of tools
051: * </p>
052: */
053: public class KeTools {
054: private static String pem_startPf = "K"
055: + Long.toString(new Date().getTime(), Character.MAX_RADIX)
056: + "_";
057: private static IKeDeRefDelegate pem_deRefDelegate = null;
059: public KeTools() {
060: }
062: private static long pem_id = 0;
064: /**
065: * <p>
066: * Sets a delegate method for derefencing variables via pcmf_deRef(String
067: * xValue)
068: * </p>
069: * <p>
070: *
071: * @param xDelegate
072: * the delegate class
073: * </p>
074: */
075: public static void pcmf_setDeRefDelegate(IKeDeRefDelegate xDelegate) {
076: KeTools.pcmf_setDeRefDelegate(xDelegate);
077: }
079: /**
080: * <p>
081: * Gets a unique ID as String
082: * </p>
083: * <p>
084: *
085: * @returns ID
086: * </p>
087: */
088: public static synchronized String pcmf_getNewId() {
089: return (new StringBuffer(pem_startPf).append(Long.toString(
090: KeTools.pem_id, Character.MAX_RADIX)).toString());
091: }
093: /**
094: * For internal use only
095: */
096: public static final KeStringTemplate pcmf_stringSubst(
097: KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew) {
098: return (xString.pcmf_stringSubst(xOrg, xNew));
099: }
101: /**
102: * For internal use only
103: */
104: public static final KeStringTemplate pcmf_stringSubstAppend(
105: KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew,
106: String xAppend) {
107: return (xString.pcmf_stringdirectSubst(xOrg, xNew, xAppend));
108: }
110: /**
111: * For internal use only
112: */
113: public static final KeStringTemplate pcmf_stringSubst(
114: KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, KeStringTemplate xNew) {
115: return (xString.pcmf_stringdirectSubst(xOrg, xNew));
116: }
118: /**
119: * For internal use only
120: */
121: public static final KeStringTemplate pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
122: KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, KeStringTemplate xNew) {
123: return (xString.pcmf_stringdirectSingleSubst(xOrg, xNew));
124: }
126: /**
127: * For internal use only
128: */
129: public static final KeStringTemplate pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
130: KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew) {
131: return (xString.pcmf_stringdirectSingleSubst(xOrg, xNew));
132: }
134: /**
135: * For internal use only
136: */
137: public static final String pcmf_stringSubst(String xString,
138: String xOrg, String xNew) {
139: int i_oLen = xOrg.length();
140: int i_nextSt = 0;
141: int i_from = 0;
142: StringBuffer l_res = new StringBuffer(xString.length() * 2);
144: i_from = i_nextSt;
145: while (true) {
146: i_nextSt = xString.indexOf(xOrg, i_nextSt);
147: if (i_nextSt == -1)
148: break;
150: l_res.append(xString.substring(i_from, i_nextSt));
151: l_res.append(xNew);
153: i_nextSt = i_from = i_nextSt + i_oLen;
154: }
155: l_res.append(xString.substring(i_from, xString.length()));
157: return (l_res.toString());
158: }
160: /**
161: * <p>
162: * Returns an ArraList with all tokens of a string
163: * </p>
164: *
165: * <p>
166: *
167: * @returns ArraList of tokens
168: * @param xString
169: * String to be tokenized
170: * @param xTokenizer
171: * separators
172: * </p>
173: */
174: public static final ArrayList pcmf_stringTokens(String xString,
175: String xTokenizer) {
176: return (KeTools.pcmf_stringTokens(xString, xTokenizer, 0));
177: }
179: /**
180: * <p>
181: * Returns an ArraList with all tokens of a string while tokenizing is stopped
182: * after xTokens have been found
183: * </p>
184: *
185: * <p>
186: *
187: * @returns ArraList of tokens
188: * @param xString
189: * String to be tokenized
190: * @param xTokenizer
191: * separators
192: * @param xTokens
193: * stop after
194: * </p>
195: */
196: public static final ArrayList pcmf_stringTokens(String xString,
197: String xTokenizer, int xTokens) {
198: int i_oLen = xTokenizer.length();
199: int i_nextSt = 0;
200: int i_from = 0;
201: ArrayList l_ret = new ArrayList();
202: int i_cnt = 0;
204: if (xString.endsWith(xTokenizer) == false)
205: xString += xTokenizer;
207: i_from = i_nextSt;
208: while (true) {
209: i_nextSt = xString.indexOf(xTokenizer, i_nextSt);
210: if (i_nextSt == -1)
211: break;
213: l_ret.add(xString.substring(i_from, i_nextSt));
214: i_nextSt = i_from = (i_nextSt + i_oLen);
216: if (++i_cnt == xTokens)
217: return (l_ret);
218: }
220: return (l_ret);
221: }
223: /**
224: * For internal use only
225: */
226: public static final String pcmf_stringSingleSubst(String xString,
227: String xOrg, String xNew) {
228: StringBuffer l_res = new StringBuffer(xString.length() * 2);
229: int l_begin = xString.indexOf(xOrg);
230: int l_end = l_begin + xOrg.length();
232: if (l_begin != -1) {
233: l_res.append(xString.substring(0, l_begin));
234: l_res.append(xNew);
235: l_res.append(xString.substring(l_end));
236: } else
237: return (xString);
239: return (l_res.toString());
240: };
242: /**
243: * For internal use only
244: */
245: public static final String pcmf_stringSingleSubstIC(String xString,
246: String xOrg, String xNew) {
247: StringBuffer l_res = new StringBuffer(xString.length() * 2);
248: int l_begin = xString.toUpperCase().indexOf(xOrg.toUpperCase());
249: int l_end = l_begin + xOrg.length();
251: if (l_begin != -1) {
252: l_res.append(xString.substring(0, l_begin));
253: l_res.append(xNew);
254: l_res.append(xString.substring(l_end));
255: } else
256: return (xString);
258: return (l_res.toString());
259: };
261: /**
262: * For internal use only
263: */
264: public static final String pcmf_stringCutParam(
265: KeStringWrapper xString, String xParam) {
266: String l_res = xString.pcm_string;
267: int l_begin = xString.pcm_string.indexOf(xParam);
268: int l_end = l_begin + xParam.length();
270: if (l_begin != -1) {
271: l_res = xString.pcm_string.substring(l_end,
272: xString.pcm_string.length());
273: xString.pcm_string = xString.pcm_string.substring(0,
274: l_begin);
275: }
276: ;
278: return (l_res);
279: };
281: /**
282: * For internal use only
283: */
284: public static final void pcmf_except(String xLoc, int xNr,
285: String xMess, String xPar1, String xPar2) throws Exception {
286: String except = "[$LOC:$NR] Message:$MESS, [$PAR1, $PAR2]";
288: except = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(except, "$LOC", xLoc);
289: except = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(except, "$NR", Integer
290: .toString(xNr));
291: except = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(except, "$MESS", xMess);
292: except = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(except, "$PAR1", xPar1);
293: except = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(except, "$PAR2", xPar2);
295: throw (new Exception(except));
296: };
298: /**
299: * <p>
300: * Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). This method
301: * works recursive!
302: *
303: * The string representation of a registered object #[register name]
304: *
305: * or a value from a parameter file which is referenced by %[parameter
306: * file]:[cluster]:[parameter].
307: *
308: * or the result of a java expression *[scope]:[name].[function].[parameters
309: * separated by ;]
310: *
311: * while scope is either application (access to a value from the application
312: * context), registry (access to a registered object) or httpsession (only for
313: * web applications). The parameters may be references to objects only from
314: * the registry (~objname) or Strings ==> String(AB), Integers ==> Integer
315: * (3254236), Floats ==> Float(12.434), Booleans ==> Boolean (false), Long ==>
316: * Long(375437) and Doubles ==> Double(34.4687).
317: *
318: * null means null. Everything else is interpreted as String. A parameter can
319: * be any type of variable explained in this chapter.
320: *
321: * ##, %%, ** are the escape sequences for the corresponding special signs.
322: *
323: * </p>
324: *
325: * <p>
326: *
327: * @returns derefenerced value
328: * @param xValue
329: * variable to dereference
330: * @param xDef
331: * default if vairiable is not valid, if null the variable string is
332: * returned
333: * </p>
334: */
335: public static final String pcmf_deRef(String xValue, String xDef) {
336: if (xValue == null)
337: return (xDef);
339: String l_ret = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(xValue);
340: if (xValue.equals(l_ret))
341: return (xDef);
342: else
343: return (l_ret);
344: }
346: /**
347: * <p>
348: * Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). This method
349: * works recursive! The string representation of a registered object
350: * #[register name]
351: *
352: * or a value from a parameter file which is referenced by %[parameter
353: * file]:[cluster]:[parameter].
354: *
355: * or the result of a java expression *[scope]:[name].[function].[parameters
356: * separated by ;]
357: *
358: * while scope is either application (access to a value from the application
359: * context), registry (access to a registered object) or httpsession (only for
360: * web applications). The parameters may be references to objects only from
361: * the registry (~objname) or Strings ==> String(AB), Integers ==> Integer
362: * (3254236), Floats ==> Float(12.434), Booleans ==> Boolean (false), Long ==>
363: * Long(375437) and Doubles ==> Double(34.4687).
364: *
365: * null means null. Everything else is interpreted as String. A parameter can
366: * be any type of variable explained in this chapter.
367: *
368: * ##, %%, ** are the escape sequences for the corresponding special signs.
369: * </p>
370: *
371: * <p>
372: *
373: * @returns derefenerced value
374: * @param xValue
375: * variable to dereference
376: * </p>
377: */
378: public static final String pcmf_deRef(String xValue) {
379: // Ggf. Delegate für alternativen Deref Mechanismus
380: if (KeTools.pem_deRefDelegate != null)
381: return (KeTools.pem_deRefDelegate.pcmf_deRef(xValue));
383: if (xValue == null || xValue.length() <= 0)
384: return (xValue);
386: char l_test = xValue.charAt(0);
387: if (!(l_test == '#' || l_test == '%' || l_test == '*'))
388: return (xValue);
390: String l_org = xValue;
392: try {
393: byte l_b[] = xValue.getBytes();
395: if (l_b[0] == '#' && l_b[1] != '#')
396: return (KeRegisteredObject.pcmf_getObjByName(xValue
397: .substring(1)).toString());
398: else if (l_b[0] == '%' && l_b[1] != '%') {
399: xValue = xValue.substring(1);
401: StringTokenizer l_tok = new StringTokenizer(xValue,
402: ":", false);
404: String l_source = l_tok.nextToken();
405: l_source = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_source);
407: String l_cluster = l_tok.nextToken();
408: l_cluster = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_cluster);
410: String l_key = l_tok.nextToken();
411: l_key = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_key);
413: return (KeEnvironment.pcmf_getParameter(l_source,
414: l_cluster, l_key).toString());
415: } else if (l_b[0] == '*' && l_b[1] != '*') {
416: xValue = xValue.substring(1);
418: int l_sep = xValue.indexOf(":");
419: String l_scope = xValue.substring(0, l_sep);
420: xValue = xValue.substring(l_sep + 1);
422: l_scope = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_scope);
424: ArrayList l_tokens = KeTools.pcmf_stringTokens(xValue,
425: ".", 3);
427: String l_name = l_tokens.get(0).toString();
428: l_name = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_name);
430: String l_prop = l_tokens.get(1).toString();
431: l_prop = KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_prop);
433: ArrayList l_params = null;
435: if (l_tokens.size() == 3) {
436: l_params = new ArrayList();
437: String l_parstr = l_tokens.get(2).toString();
438: ArrayList l_tassigments = KeTools
439: .pcmf_stringTokens(l_parstr, ";");
441: Iterator l_it = l_tassigments.iterator();
442: while (l_it.hasNext()) {
443: String l_par = l_it.next().toString().trim();
445: // Hier muss noch aufgelöst werden boolean, integer, floats, strings
446: if (l_par.startsWith("Integer")
447: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
448: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(l_par,
449: " ", "");
450: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
451: l_par, "Integer(", "");
452: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
453: l_par, ")", "");
455: l_params.add(new Integer(l_par));
456: } else if (l_par.startsWith("Boolean")
457: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
458: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(l_par,
459: " ", "");
460: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
461: l_par, "Boolean(", "");
462: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
463: l_par, ")", "");
465: l_params.add(new Boolean(l_par));
466: } else if (l_par.startsWith("String")
467: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
468: l_par = l_par.substring(
469: l_par.indexOf("(") + 1, l_par
470: .lastIndexOf(")"));
471: l_params.add(l_par);
472: } else if (l_par.startsWith("Float")
473: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
474: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(l_par,
475: " ", "");
476: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
477: l_par, "Float(", "");
478: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
479: l_par, ")", "");
481: l_params.add(new Float(l_par));
482: } else if (l_par.startsWith("Double")
483: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
484: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(l_par,
485: " ", "");
486: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
487: l_par, "Double(", "");
488: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
489: l_par, ")", "");
491: l_params.add(new Double(l_par));
492: } else if (l_par.startsWith("Long")
493: && l_par.endsWith(")")) {
494: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSubst(l_par,
495: " ", "");
496: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
497: l_par, "Long(", "");
498: l_par = KeTools.pcmf_stringSingleSubst(
499: l_par, ")", "");
501: l_params.add(new Long(l_par));
502: } else if (KeTools.pcmf_isObjReference(l_par))
503: l_params.add(KeTools.pcmf_deRefObj(l_par));
504: else {
505: if (l_par.equalsIgnoreCase("null"))
506: l_params.add(null);
507: else
508: l_params.add(KeTools.pcmf_deRef(l_par));
509: }
511: }
512: }
514: Object[] l_pobj = null;
515: if (l_params != null)
516: l_pobj = l_params.toArray();
517: else
518: l_pobj = new Object[0];
520: if (l_scope.equalsIgnoreCase("registry")) {
521: Object o = KeRegisteredObject
522: .pcmf_getObjByName(l_name);
523: Expression expr = new Expression(o, l_prop, l_pobj);
524: expr.execute();
526: return (expr.getValue().toString());
527: } else if (l_scope.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) {
528: IUnApplication l_appl = (IUnApplication) KeRegisteredObject
529: .pcmf_getObjByName(IUnApplication.MY_APPL);
530: Object o = l_appl.pcmf_getContext().get(l_name);
531: Expression expr = new Expression(o, l_prop, l_pobj);
532: expr.execute();
534: return (expr.getValue().toString());
535: } else if (l_scope.equalsIgnoreCase("httpsession")) {
536: HttpSession l_sess = ((MuHttpSessionWrapper) KeRegisteredObject
537: .pcmf_getObjByName(MuGenericApplication.MY_SESSION))
538: .pcmf_getHttpSesstion();
539: if (l_sess == null)
540: KeLog.pcmf_log("WiSerFramework",
541: "http session is not available", null,
542: KeLog.ERROR);
544: Object o = l_sess.getAttribute(l_prop);
545: Expression expr = new Expression(o, l_prop, l_pobj);
546: expr.execute();
548: return (expr.getValue().toString());
549: } else
550: KeLog.pcmf_log("ug2t",
551: "reference scope is not valid: " + l_scope,
552: null, KeLog.ERROR);
553: } else if (l_b[0] == '%' || l_b[0] == '#' || l_b[0] == '*')
554: xValue = xValue.substring(1);
555: else
556: return (xValue);
557: } catch (Exception e) {
558: return (l_org);
559: }
560: return (xValue);
561: };
563: /**
564: * For internal use only
565: */
566: public static final Object pcmf_deRefObj(String xValue) {
567: if (xValue == null || xValue.length() <= 0)
568: return (xValue);
570: char l_test = xValue.charAt(0);
571: if (l_test != '~')
572: return (xValue);
574: byte l_b[] = xValue.getBytes();
576: if (l_b[0] == '~' && l_b[1] != '~')
577: return (KeRegisteredObject.pcmf_getObjByName(xValue
578: .substring(1)));
579: else if (l_b[0] == '~')
580: return (xValue.substring(1));
581: else
582: return (xValue);
583: };
585: /**
586: * For internal use only
587: */
588: public static final boolean pcmf_isObjReference(String xValue) {
589: if (xValue == null)
590: return (false);
592: byte l_b[] = xValue.getBytes();
593: if (l_b.length <= 1)
594: return (false);
596: if (l_b[0] == '~' && l_b[1] != '~')
597: return (true);
598: else if (l_b[0] == '~')
599: return (false);
600: else
601: return (false);
602: };
604: /**
605: * For internal use only
606: */
607: public static final String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray[]) {
608: String l_ret = "";
609: for (int i = 0; i < xArray.length; i++) {
610: l_ret += xArray[i].toString();
611: if (i < xArray.length - 1)
612: l_ret += ", ";
613: }
615: return (l_ret);
616: }
618: /**
619: * For internal use only
620: */
621: public static final String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray[],
622: int cutIdx) {
623: String l_ret = "";
624: for (int i = 0; i < xArray.length; i++) {
625: l_ret += xArray[i].toString().substring(cutIdx);
626: if (i < xArray.length - 1)
627: l_ret += ", ";
628: }
630: return (l_ret);
631: }
633: /**
634: * For internal use only
635: */
636: public static final String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray[],
637: int cutIdx, int xStart, int xEnd) {
638: String l_ret = "";
639: for (int i = xStart; i < xArray.length; i++) {
640: l_ret += xArray[i].toString().substring(cutIdx);
642: if (i == xEnd) {
643: l_ret += ", ... ";
644: break;
645: }
647: if (i < xArray.length - 1)
648: l_ret += ", ";
649: }
651: return (l_ret);
652: }
654: /**
655: * <p>
656: * Copies the content of one directory to the other. The function works
657: * recursive
658: * </p>
659: *
660: * <p>
661: *
662: * @param xSource
663: * Source directory
664: * @param xTarget
665: * Target directory
666: * </p>
667: */
668: public static void pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget)
669: throws Exception {
670: File l_source = new File(xSource);
671: File l_target = new File(xTarget);
673: if (l_source.isDirectory() == false)
674: throw (new FileNotFoundException(xSource));
675: if (l_target.isDirectory() == false)
676: throw (new FileNotFoundException(xTarget));
678: File l_subs[] = l_source.listFiles();
679: for (int i = 0; i < l_subs.length; i++) {
680: if (l_subs[i].isFile()) {
681: File l_new = new File(xTarget, l_subs[i].getName());
682: pcmf_copyFile(l_subs[i].getAbsolutePath(), l_new
683: .getAbsolutePath());
684: } else {
685: File l_new = new File(xTarget, l_subs[i].getName());
686: if (l_new.exists() == false)
687: l_new.mkdir();
689: pcmf_copyDir(l_subs[i].getAbsolutePath(), l_new
690: .getAbsolutePath());
691: }
692: }
693: }
695: /**
696: * <p>
697: * Copies files with a defined name from one directory to the other. The
698: * function works recursive
699: * </p>
700: *
701: * <p>
702: *
703: * @param xSource
704: * Source directory
705: * @param xTarget
706: * Target directory
707: * @param xFiles
708: * File names
709: * @param xExact
710: * true indicates an exact match, false means the string has to be
711: * part of the file name
712: * </p>
713: */
714: public static void pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget,
715: String[] xFiles, boolean xExact) throws Exception {
716: File l_source = new File(xSource);
717: File l_target = new File(xTarget);
719: if (l_source.isDirectory() == false)
720: throw (new FileNotFoundException(xSource));
721: if (l_target.isDirectory() == false)
722: throw (new FileNotFoundException(xTarget));
724: File l_subs[] = l_source.listFiles();
725: for (int i = 0; i < l_subs.length; i++) {
726: if (l_subs[i].isFile()) {
727: String l_name = l_subs[i].getName();
728: for (int f = 0; f < xFiles.length; f++) {
729: if (xExact) {
730: if (xFiles[f].equals(l_name)) {
731: File l_new = new File(xTarget, l_name);
732: pcmf_copyFile(l_subs[i].getAbsolutePath(),
733: l_new.getAbsolutePath());
734: }
735: } else {
736: if (l_name.indexOf(xFiles[f]) != -1) {
737: File l_new = new File(xTarget, l_name);
738: pcmf_copyFile(l_subs[i].getAbsolutePath(),
739: l_new.getAbsolutePath());
740: }
741: }
742: }
743: } else {
744: File l_new = new File(xTarget, l_subs[i].getName());
745: if (l_new.exists() == false)
746: l_new.mkdir();
748: pcmf_copyDir(l_subs[i].getAbsolutePath(), l_new
749: .getAbsolutePath());
750: }
751: }
752: }
754: /**
755: * <p>
756: * Copies one file to an other
757: * </p>
758: *
759: * <p>
760: *
761: * @param xSource
762: * Source file
763: * @param xTarget
764: * Target file
765: */
766: public static void pcmf_copyFile(String xSource, String xTarget)
767: throws Exception {
768: KeLog.pcmf_log("ug2t", "copy file: " + xSource + " to "
769: + xTarget, null, KeLog.DEBUG);
771: FileInputStream l_source = new FileInputStream(xSource);
772: FileOutputStream l_target = new FileOutputStream(xTarget, false);
774: FileChannel l_sCh = l_source.getChannel();
775: FileChannel l_tCh = l_target.getChannel();
777: l_tCh.transferFrom(l_sCh, 0, l_sCh.size());
779: l_source.close();
780: l_target.close();
781: }
783: /**
784: * For internal use only
785: */
786: public static String pcmf_getClassName(Class xClass) {
787: return (xClass.toString().substring(6));
788: }
790: public static String pcmf_eventType(String xEvent) {
791: if (xEvent.indexOf(":") != -1)
792: return (xEvent.substring(0, xEvent.indexOf(":")));
793: else
794: return (xEvent);
795: }
797: /**
798: * For internal use only
799: */
800: public static int pcmf_getX(String xEvent) {
801: xEvent = xEvent.substring(xEvent.indexOf(":") + 1, xEvent
802: .indexOf("p"));
804: return (Integer.parseInt(xEvent));
805: }
807: /**
808: * For internal use only
809: */
810: public static int pcmf_getY(String xEvent) {
811: xEvent = xEvent.substring(xEvent.indexOf(",") + 1, xEvent
812: .length() - 2);
814: return (Integer.parseInt(xEvent));
815: }
817: /**
818: * For internal use only
819: */
820: public static int pcmf_getWidth(String xEvent) {
821: xEvent = xEvent.substring(xEvent.indexOf(":") + 1, xEvent
822: .indexOf("p"));
824: return (Integer.parseInt(xEvent));
825: }
827: /**
828: * For internal use only
829: */
830: public static int pcmf_getHeight(String xEvent) {
831: xEvent = xEvent.substring(xEvent.indexOf(",") + 1, xEvent
832: .length() - 2);
834: return (Integer.parseInt(xEvent));
835: }
837: /**
838: * <p>
839: * Deletes a file or directory. This method works recursive.
840: * </p>
841: *
842: * <p>
843: *
844: * @param xFile
845: * File or directory to delete
846: * @param xDelThis
847: * In case of a directory this indicates whether the directory itself
848: * is deleted or only it's content
849: */
850: public static void pcmf_deleteFiles(File xFile, boolean xDelThis) {
851: File l_files[] = xFile.listFiles();
852: if (l_files != null)
853: for (int i = 0; i < l_files.length; i++) {
854: if (l_files[i].isDirectory())
855: KeTools.pcmf_deleteFiles(l_files[i], false);
857: l_files[i].delete();
858: }
860: if (xDelThis)
861: xFile.delete();
862: }
864: /**
865: * <p>
866: * Formats a number with leading 0
867: * </p>
868: * <p>
869: * @param xNumber the int to format
870: * @param xLen the length
871: * @return the formatted string
872: * </p>
873: */
874: public static String pcmf_formatNumber(int xNumber, int xLen) {
875: char[] l_len = Integer.toString(xNumber).toCharArray();
876: char l_sLen[] = new char[xLen];
877: Arrays.fill(l_sLen, ('0'));
878: System.arraycopy(l_len, 0, l_sLen, xLen - l_len.length,
879: l_len.length);
881: return (new String(l_sLen));
882: }
884: /**
885: * <p>
886: * Builds a regular expression from a string with wildcards *?
887: * </p>
888: * <p>
889: * @param xWildcard wildcard string
890: * @return regular expression string
891: * </p>
892: */
893: public static String pcmf_wildcardToRegex(String xWildcard) {
894: StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(xWildcard.length());
895: s.append('^');
896: for (int i = 0, is = xWildcard.length(); i < is; i++) {
897: char c = xWildcard.charAt(i);
898: switch (c) {
899: case '*':
900: s.append(".*");
901: break;
902: case '?':
903: s.append(".");
904: break;
905: // escape special regexp-characters
906: case '(':
907: case ')':
908: case '[':
909: case ']':
910: case '$':
911: case '^':
912: case '.':
913: case '{':
914: case '}':
915: case '|':
916: case '\\':
917: s.append("\\");
918: s.append(c);
919: break;
920: default:
921: s.append(c);
922: break;
923: }
924: }
925: s.append('$');
926: return (s.toString());
927: }
929: }