| java.lang.Object de.ug2t.kernel.KeTools
KeTools | public class KeTools (Code) | | author: Dirk author: date: 02.01.2004 project: WiSer-Framework author: author: A set of tools author:
Constructor Summary | |
public | KeTools() |
Method Summary | |
final public static String | pcmf_array2String(Object xArray) | final public static String | pcmf_array2String(Object xArray, int cutIdx) | final public static String | pcmf_array2String(Object xArray, int cutIdx, int xStart, int xEnd) | public static void | pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget)
Copies the content of one directory to the other. | public static void | pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget, String[] xFiles, boolean xExact)
Copies files with a defined name from one directory to the other. | public static void | pcmf_copyFile(String xSource, String xTarget) | final public static String | pcmf_deRef(String xValue, String xDef)
Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). | final public static String | pcmf_deRef(String xValue)
Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). | final public static Object | pcmf_deRefObj(String xValue) | public static void | pcmf_deleteFiles(File xFile, boolean xDelThis)
Deletes a file or directory. | public static String | pcmf_eventType(String xEvent) | final public static void | pcmf_except(String xLoc, int xNr, String xMess, String xPar1, String xPar2) | public static String | pcmf_formatNumber(int xNumber, int xLen) | public static String | pcmf_getClassName(Class xClass) | public static int | pcmf_getHeight(String xEvent) | public static synchronized String | pcmf_getNewId() | public static int | pcmf_getWidth(String xEvent) | public static int | pcmf_getX(String xEvent) | public static int | pcmf_getY(String xEvent) | final public static boolean | pcmf_isObjReference(String xValue) | public static void | pcmf_setDeRefDelegate(IKeDeRefDelegate xDelegate) | final public static String | pcmf_stringCutParam(KeStringWrapper xString, String xParam) | final public static KeStringTemplate | pcmf_stringSingleSubst(KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, KeStringTemplate xNew) | final public static KeStringTemplate | pcmf_stringSingleSubst(KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew) | final public static String | pcmf_stringSingleSubst(String xString, String xOrg, String xNew) | final public static String | pcmf_stringSingleSubstIC(String xString, String xOrg, String xNew) | final public static KeStringTemplate | pcmf_stringSubst(KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew) | final public static KeStringTemplate | pcmf_stringSubst(KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, KeStringTemplate xNew) | final public static String | pcmf_stringSubst(String xString, String xOrg, String xNew) | final public static KeStringTemplate | pcmf_stringSubstAppend(KeStringTemplate xString, String xOrg, String xNew, String xAppend) | final public static ArrayList | pcmf_stringTokens(String xString, String xTokenizer) | final public static ArrayList | pcmf_stringTokens(String xString, String xTokenizer, int xTokens) | public static String | pcmf_wildcardToRegex(String xWildcard) |
pcmf_array2String | final public static String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_array2String | final public static String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray, int cutIdx)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_array2String | final public static String pcmf_array2String(Object xArray, int cutIdx, int xStart, int xEnd)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_copyDir | public static void pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget) throws Exception(Code) | |
Copies the content of one directory to the other. The function works
Parameters: xSource - Source directory Parameters: xTarget - Target directory |
pcmf_copyDir | public static void pcmf_copyDir(String xSource, String xTarget, String[] xFiles, boolean xExact) throws Exception(Code) | |
Copies files with a defined name from one directory to the other. The
function works recursive
Parameters: xSource - Source directory Parameters: xTarget - Target directory Parameters: xFiles - File names Parameters: xExact - true indicates an exact match, false means the string has to bepart of the file name |
pcmf_copyFile | public static void pcmf_copyFile(String xSource, String xTarget) throws Exception(Code) | |
Copies one file to an other
Parameters: xSource - Source file Parameters: xTarget - Target file |
pcmf_deRef | final public static String pcmf_deRef(String xValue, String xDef)(Code) | |
Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). This method
works recursive!
The string representation of a registered object #[register name]
or a value from a parameter file which is referenced by %[parameter
or the result of a java expression *[scope]:[name].[function].[parameters
separated by ;]
while scope is either application (access to a value from the application
context), registry (access to a registered object) or httpsession (only for
web applications). The parameters may be references to objects only from
the registry (~objname) or Strings ==> String(AB), Integers ==> Integer
(3254236), Floats ==> Float(12.434), Booleans ==> Boolean (false), Long ==>
Long(375437) and Doubles ==> Double(34.4687).
null means null. Everything else is interpreted as String. A parameter can
be any type of variable explained in this chapter.
##, %%, ** are the escape sequences for the corresponding special signs.
Parameters: xValue - variable to dereference Parameters: xDef - default if vairiable is not valid, if null the variable string isreturned |
pcmf_deRef | final public static String pcmf_deRef(String xValue)(Code) | |
Dereferences a variable (mainly used for internationalisation). This method
works recursive! The string representation of a registered object
#[register name]
or a value from a parameter file which is referenced by %[parameter
or the result of a java expression *[scope]:[name].[function].[parameters
separated by ;]
while scope is either application (access to a value from the application
context), registry (access to a registered object) or httpsession (only for
web applications). The parameters may be references to objects only from
the registry (~objname) or Strings ==> String(AB), Integers ==> Integer
(3254236), Floats ==> Float(12.434), Booleans ==> Boolean (false), Long ==>
Long(375437) and Doubles ==> Double(34.4687).
null means null. Everything else is interpreted as String. A parameter can
be any type of variable explained in this chapter.
##, %%, ** are the escape sequences for the corresponding special signs.
Parameters: xValue - variable to dereference |
pcmf_deRefObj | final public static Object pcmf_deRefObj(String xValue)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_deleteFiles | public static void pcmf_deleteFiles(File xFile, boolean xDelThis)(Code) | |
Deletes a file or directory. This method works recursive.
Parameters: xFile - File or directory to delete Parameters: xDelThis - In case of a directory this indicates whether the directory itselfis deleted or only it's content |
pcmf_formatNumber | public static String pcmf_formatNumber(int xNumber, int xLen)(Code) | |
Formats a number with leading 0
Parameters: xNumber - the int to format Parameters: xLen - the length the formatted string |
pcmf_getClassName | public static String pcmf_getClassName(Class xClass)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_getHeight | public static int pcmf_getHeight(String xEvent)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_getNewId | public static synchronized String pcmf_getNewId()(Code) | |
Gets a unique ID as String
pcmf_getWidth | public static int pcmf_getWidth(String xEvent)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_getX | public static int pcmf_getX(String xEvent)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_getY | public static int pcmf_getY(String xEvent)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_isObjReference | final public static boolean pcmf_isObjReference(String xValue)(Code) | | For internal use only
pcmf_setDeRefDelegate | public static void pcmf_setDeRefDelegate(IKeDeRefDelegate xDelegate)(Code) | |
Sets a delegate method for derefencing variables via pcmf_deRef(String
Parameters: xDelegate - the delegate class |
pcmf_stringTokens | final public static ArrayList pcmf_stringTokens(String xString, String xTokenizer)(Code) | |
Returns an ArraList with all tokens of a string
Parameters: xString - String to be tokenized Parameters: xTokenizer - separators |
pcmf_stringTokens | final public static ArrayList pcmf_stringTokens(String xString, String xTokenizer, int xTokens)(Code) | |
Returns an ArraList with all tokens of a string while tokenizing is stopped
after xTokens have been found
Parameters: xString - String to be tokenized Parameters: xTokenizer - separators Parameters: xTokens - stop after |
pcmf_wildcardToRegex | public static String pcmf_wildcardToRegex(String xWildcard)(Code) | |
Builds a regular expression from a string with wildcards *?
Parameters: xWildcard - wildcard string regular expression string |