Provides a list of content instances matching the given search criterias.
Currently, search conditions can be specified in the "groovyQuery" facet,
which will then be dynamically evaluated with
com.flexive.shared.scripting.groovy.GroovyQueryBuilder GroovyQueryBuilder .
- groovyQuery: an embedded groovy query that selects the PKs to be displayed.
- header: defines an optional header to be rendered before the first result row.
- empty: facet to be rendered instead of header and results when the query returns no results.
FIXME: it turns out that a "render-time" iterator tag is pretty complicated to implement.
Thus this component contains large portions of Facelets' ui:repeat tag, and should be
refactored into either extending UIRepeat or converted to a taghandler that
uses a template with ui:repeat (or a similar tag).
author: Daniel Lichtenberger (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( version: $Rev: 1 $ |