| java.lang.Object org.apache.openejb.persistence.JtaEntityManager
JtaEntityManager | public class JtaEntityManager implements EntityManager(Code) | | The JtaEntityManager is a wrapper around an entity manager that automatically creates and closes entity managers
for each transaction in which it is accessed. This implementation supports both transaction and extended scoped
JTA entity managers.
It is important that extended scoped entity managers add entity managers to the JtaEntityManagerRegistry when the
component is entered and remove them when exited. If this registration is not preformed, an IllegalStateException
will be thrown when entity manger is used.
It is important that a component adds extended scoped entity managers to the JtaEntityManagerRegistry when the
component is entered and removes them when exited. If this registration is not preformed, an IllegalStateException will
be thrown when entity manger is accessed.
clear | public void clear()(Code) | | |
close | public void close()(Code) | | |
createNamedQuery | public Query createNamedQuery(String name)(Code) | | |
createNativeQuery | public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString)(Code) | | |
createNativeQuery | public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass)(Code) | | |
createNativeQuery | public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping)(Code) | | |
flush | public void flush()(Code) | | |
getDelegate | public EntityManager getDelegate()(Code) | | |
getFlushMode | public FlushModeType getFlushMode()(Code) | | |
getTransaction | public EntityTransaction getTransaction()(Code) | | |
isOpen | public boolean isOpen()(Code) | | |
joinTransaction | public void joinTransaction()(Code) | | |
lock | public void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode)(Code) | | |
merge | public T merge(T entity)(Code) | | |
setFlushMode | public void setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode)(Code) | | |