Method Summary |
public void | createBean() Gets a new instance of the bean before each test. |
public void | deletesTable() Deletes the table to avoid errors in each test. |
public void | setup() Creates the bean used during the tests and binds the databases used. |
public void | testBeginTwiceSameTrans() Tests if the container allows the bean open a transaction without close
the other one, i.e., if the container allows nested transactions. |
public void | testBeginTwoTransDifMethod() Tests if the container allows the bean open a transaction without close
the other one, i.e., if the container allows nested transactions. |
public void | testBeginTwoTransSameMethod() Tests if the container allows the bean open a transaction without close
the other one, i.e., if the container allows nested transactions. |
public void | testRollbackInSameMethod() Tests if the rollback works properly. |
public void | testSetRollbackOnly() Tests if the container does not allow the bean uses the setRollbackOnly. |
public void | testTransInSameMethod() Tests if the transaction begin and the transaction commit work well. |
public void | testTransInTwoMethods() Tests if the container supports the bean that does not close the
transaction in the same method that the transaction was opened. |
public void | testUsingClientTransaction() If the bean has a transaction active and the client too, the client
transaction must be resumed when the bean is called. |
public void | testgetRollbackOnly() Tests if the container does not allow the bean uses the getRollbackOnly. |
public void | tierDown() Deletes the databases entries from the registry. |