| java.lang.Object org.springframework.aop.aspectj.DeclareParentsAdvisor
DeclareParentsAdvisor | public class DeclareParentsAdvisor implements IntroductionAdvisor(Code) | | Introduction advisor delegating to the given object.
Implements AspectJ annotation-style behavior for the DeclareParents annotation.
author: Rod Johnson since: 2.0 |
DeclareParentsAdvisor | public DeclareParentsAdvisor(Class interfaceType, String typePattern, Class defaultImpl)(Code) | | Create a new advisor for this DeclareParents field.
Parameters: interfaceType - static field defining the introduction Parameters: typePattern - type pattern the introduction is restricted to Parameters: defaultImpl - default implementation class |
getAdvice | public Advice getAdvice()(Code) | | |
isPerInstance | public boolean isPerInstance()(Code) | | |