AopProxyFactory implementation,
creating either a CGLIB proxy or a JDK dynamic proxy.
Creates a CGLIB proxy if one the following is true
for a given
AdvisedSupport instance:
- the "optimize" flag is set
- the "proxyTargetClass" flag is set
- no proxy interfaces have been specified
Note that the CGLIB library classes have to be present on
the class path if an actual CGLIB proxy needs to be created.
In general, specify "proxyTargetClass" to enforce a CGLIB proxy,
or specify one or more interfaces to use a JDK dynamic proxy.
author: Rod Johnson author: Juergen Hoeller since: 12.03.2004 See Also: AdvisedSupport.setOptimize See Also: AdvisedSupport.setProxyTargetClass See Also: AdvisedSupport.setInterfaces |