Implementation of Hibernate 3.1's CurrentSessionContext interface
that delegates to Spring's SessionFactoryUtils for providing a
Spring-managed current Session.
Used by Spring's LocalSessionFactoryBean if told to not expose a
transaction-aware SessionFactory proxy. LocalSessionFactoryBean's default
is still SessionFactory proxying, though, mainly to remain compatible with
Hibernate 3.0 as well. Turn the "exposeTransactionAwareSessionFactory" flag
to "false" to expose the raw Hibernate 3.1 CurrentSessionContext mechanism.
This CurrentSessionContext implementation can be specified in custom
SessionFactory setup through the "hibernate.current_session_context_class"
property, with the fully qualified name of this class as value.
author: Juergen Hoeller since: 2.0 See Also: SessionFactoryUtils.doGetSession See Also: LocalSessionFactoryBean.setExposeTransactionAwareSessionFactory |