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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » J2EE » spring framework 2.0.6 » org.springframework.orm.toplink 
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public class TopLinkTemplate extends TopLinkAccessor implements TopLinkOperations(Code)
Helper class that simplifies TopLink data access code, and converts TopLinkExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. Uses the same SQLExceptionTranslator mechanism as JdbcTemplate.

Typically used to implement data access or business logic services that use TopLink within their implementation but are TopLink-agnostic in their interface. The latter or code calling the latter only have to deal with business objects, query objects, and org.springframework.dao exceptions.

The central method is execute, supporting TopLink access code implementing the TopLinkCallback interface. It provides TopLink Session handling such that neither the TopLinkCallback implementation nor the calling code needs to explicitly care about retrieving/closing TopLink Sessions, or handling Session lifecycle exceptions. For typical single step actions, there are various convenience methods (read, readAll, merge, delete, etc).

Can be used within a service implementation via direct instantiation with a SessionFactory reference, or get prepared in an application context and given to services as bean reference. Note: The SessionFactory should always be configured as bean in the application context, in the first case given to the service directly, in the second case to the prepared template.

This class can be considered as direct alternative to working with the raw TopLink Session API (through SessionFactoryUtils.getSession()). The major advantage is its automatic conversion to DataAccessExceptions, the major disadvantage that no checked application exceptions can get thrown from within data access code. Corresponding checks and the actual throwing of such exceptions can often be deferred to after callback execution, though.

Note that even if TopLinkTransactionManager is used for transaction demarcation in higher-level services, all those services above the data access layer don't need to be TopLink-aware. Setting such a special PlatformTransactionManager is a configuration issue, without introducing code dependencies. For example, switching to JTA is just a matter of Spring configuration (use JtaTransactionManager instead) and TopLink session configuration, neither affecting application code.

LocalSessionFactoryBean is the preferred way of obtaining a reference to a specific TopLink SessionFactory. It will usually be configured to create ClientSessions for a ServerSession held by it, allowing for seamless multi-threaded execution. The Spring application context will manage its lifecycle, initializing and shutting down the factory as part of the application.

Thanks to Slavik Markovich for implementing the initial TopLink support prototype!
   Juergen Hoeller
   James Clark
See Also:   TopLinkTemplate.setSessionFactory
See Also:   TopLinkCallback
See Also:   oracle.toplink.sessions.Session
See Also:   TopLinkInterceptor
See Also:   LocalSessionFactoryBean
See Also:   TopLinkTransactionManager
See Also:   org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager

Constructor Summary
public  TopLinkTemplate()
     Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.
public  TopLinkTemplate(SessionFactory sessionFactory)
     Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.
public  TopLinkTemplate(SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean allowCreate)
     Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.

Method Summary
public  Objectcopy(Object entity)
public  Objectcopy(Object entity, ObjectCopyingPolicy copyingPolicy)
public  ListcopyAll(Collection entities)
public  ListcopyAll(Collection entities, ObjectCopyingPolicy copyingPolicy)
public  ObjectdeepMerge(Object entity)
public  voiddelete(Object entity)
public  voiddeleteAll(Collection entities)
public  Objectexecute(TopLinkCallback action)
public  ListexecuteFind(TopLinkCallback action)
public  ObjectexecuteNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName)
public  ObjectexecuteNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectexecuteNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, Object[] args)
public  ObjectexecuteNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, Object[] args, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectexecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery query)
public  ObjectexecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery query, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectexecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Object[] args)
public  ObjectexecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Object[] args, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  booleanisAllowCreate()
     Return if a new Session should be created if no thread-bound found.
public  Objectmerge(Object entity)
public  ObjectmergeWithReferences(Object entity)
public  Objectread(Class entityClass, Expression expression)
public  Objectread(Class entityClass, Expression expression, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  Objectread(Class entityClass, Call call)
public  Objectread(Class entityClass, Call call, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass, Expression expression)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass, Expression expression, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass, Call call)
public  ListreadAll(Class entityClass, Call call, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectreadAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object id)
public  ObjectreadAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object id, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectreadAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object[] keys)
public  ObjectreadAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object[] keys, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectreadById(Class entityClass, Object id)
public  ObjectreadById(Class entityClass, Object id, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ObjectreadById(Class entityClass, Object[] keys)
public  ObjectreadById(Class entityClass, Object[] keys, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  Objectrefresh(Object entity)
public  Objectrefresh(Object entity, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  ListrefreshAll(Collection entities)
public  ListrefreshAll(Collection entities, boolean enforceReadOnly)
public  Objectregister(Object entity)
public  ListregisterAll(Collection entities)
public  ObjectregisterExisting(Object entity)
public  voidregisterNew(Object entity)
public  voidsetAllowCreate(boolean allowCreate)
     Set if a new Session should be created when no transactional Session can be found for the current thread.
public  ObjectshallowMerge(Object entity)

Constructor Detail
public TopLinkTemplate()(Code)
Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.

public TopLinkTemplate(SessionFactory sessionFactory)(Code)
Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.

public TopLinkTemplate(SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean allowCreate)(Code)
Create a new TopLinkTemplate instance.
  allowCreate - if a new Session should be created if no thread-bound found

Method Detail
public Object copy(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object copy(Object entity, ObjectCopyingPolicy copyingPolicy) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List copyAll(Collection entities) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List copyAll(Collection entities, ObjectCopyingPolicy copyingPolicy) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object deepMerge(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public void delete(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public void deleteAll(Collection entities) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object execute(TopLinkCallback action) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List executeFind(TopLinkCallback action) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, Object[] args) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeNamedQuery(Class entityClass, String queryName, Object[] args, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeQuery(DatabaseQuery query) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Object[] args) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object executeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Object[] args, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public boolean isAllowCreate()(Code)
Return if a new Session should be created if no thread-bound found.

public Object merge(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object mergeWithReferences(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object read(Class entityClass, Expression expression) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object read(Class entityClass, Expression expression, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object read(Class entityClass, Call call) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object read(Class entityClass, Call call, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass, Expression expression) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass, Expression expression, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass, Call call) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List readAll(Class entityClass, Call call, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object id) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object id, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object[] keys) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readAndCopy(Class entityClass, Object[] keys, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readById(Class entityClass, Object id) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readById(Class entityClass, Object id, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readById(Class entityClass, Object[] keys) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object readById(Class entityClass, Object[] keys, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object refresh(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object refresh(Object entity, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List refreshAll(Collection entities) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public List refreshAll(Collection entities, boolean enforceReadOnly) throws DataAccessException(Code)

public Object register(Object entity)(Code)

public List registerAll(Collection entities)(Code)

public Object registerExisting(Object entity)(Code)

public void registerNew(Object entity)(Code)

public void setAllowCreate(boolean allowCreate)(Code)
Set if a new Session should be created when no transactional Session can be found for the current thread.

TopLinkTemplate is aware of a corresponding Session bound to the current thread, for example when using TopLinkTransactionManager. If allowCreate is true, a new non-transactional Session will be created if none found, which needs to be closed at the end of the operation. If false, an IllegalStateException will get thrown in this case.
See Also:   SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(SessionFactoryboolean)

public Object shallowMerge(Object entity) throws DataAccessException(Code)

Fields inherited from org.springframework.orm.toplink.TopLinkAccessor
final protected Log logger(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.springframework.orm.toplink.TopLinkAccessor
public void afterPropertiesSet()(Code)(Java Doc)
public DataAccessException convertTopLinkAccessException(TopLinkException ex)(Code)(Java Doc)
public SQLExceptionTranslator getJdbcExceptionTranslator()(Code)(Java Doc)
public SessionFactory getSessionFactory()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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