| java.lang.Object org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues | public class ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues extends MutablePropertyValues (Code) | | PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest.
Can look for all property values beginning with a certain prefix and
prefix separator (default is "_").
For example, with a prefix of "spring", "spring_param1" and
"spring_param2" result in a Map with "param1" and "param2" as keys.
This class is not immutable to be able to efficiently remove property
values that should be ignored for binding.
author: Rod Johnson author: Juergen Hoeller See Also: org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils.getParametersStartingWith |
DEFAULT_PREFIX_SEPARATOR | final public static String DEFAULT_PREFIX_SEPARATOR(Code) | | Default prefix separator
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues | public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(ServletRequest request)(Code) | | Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using no prefix
(and hence, no prefix separator).
Parameters: request - HTTP request |
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues | public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(ServletRequest request, String prefix)(Code) | | Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues using the given prefix and
the default prefix separator (the underscore character "_").
Parameters: request - HTTP request Parameters: prefix - the prefix for parameters (the full prefix willconsist of this plus the separator) See Also: ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues.DEFAULT_PREFIX_SEPARATOR |
ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues | public ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues(ServletRequest request, String prefix, String prefixSeparator)(Code) | | Create new ServletRequestPropertyValues supplying both prefix and
prefix separator.
Parameters: request - HTTP request Parameters: prefix - the prefix for parameters (the full prefix willconsist of this plus the separator) Parameters: prefixSeparator - separator delimiting prefix (e.g. "spring")and the rest of the parameter name ("param1", "param2") |