| java.lang.Object org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.throwaway.ThrowawayControllerHandlerAdapter
ThrowawayControllerHandlerAdapter | public class ThrowawayControllerHandlerAdapter implements HandlerAdapter(Code) | | Adapter to use the ThrowawayController workflow interface with the
generic DispatcherServlet. Does not support last-modified checks.
This is an SPI class, not used directly by application code.
It can be explicitly configured in a DispatcherServlet context, to use a
customized version instead of the default ThrowawayControllerHandlerAdapter.
author: Juergen Hoeller since: 08.12.2003 |
DEFAULT_COMMAND_NAME | final public static String DEFAULT_COMMAND_NAME(Code) | | |
getCommandName | final public String getCommandName()(Code) | | Return the name of the command in the model.
getLastModified | public long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request, Object handler)(Code) | | This implementation always returns -1, as last-modified checks are not supported.
setCommandName | final public void setCommandName(String commandName)(Code) | | Set the name of the command in the model.
The command object will be included in the model under this name.