| java.lang.Object com.opensymphony.webwork.components.template.TemplateEngineManager
TemplateEngineManager | public class TemplateEngineManager (Code) | | The TemplateEngineManager will return a template engine for the template
author: jcarreira |
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE | final public static String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(Code) | | The default template extenstion is ftl .
getTemplateEngine | public static TemplateEngine getTemplateEngine(Template template, String templateTypeOverride)(Code) | | Gets the TemplateEngine for the template name. If the template name has an extension (for instance foo.jsp), then
this extension will be used to look up the appropriate TemplateEngine. If it does not have an extension, it will
look for a Configuration setting "webwork.ui.templateSuffix" for the extension, and if that is not set, it
will fall back to "ftl" as the default.
Parameters: template - Template used to determine which TemplateEngine to return Parameters: templateTypeOverride - Overrides the default template type the engine. |
registerTemplateEngine | public static void registerTemplateEngine(String templateExtension, TemplateEngine templateEngine)(Code) | | Registers the given template engine.
Will add the engine to the existing list of known engines.
Parameters: templateExtension - filename extension (eg. .jsp, .ftl, .vm). Parameters: templateEngine - the engine. |