| java.lang.Object com.opensymphony.xwork.util.OgnlContextState
OgnlContextState | public class OgnlContextState (Code) | | Manages variables in the OgnlContext and returns values
to be used by the application.
author: Gabe |
Method Summary | |
public static void | clear(Map context) | public static void | clearCurrentPropertyPath(Map context) | public static String | getCurrentPropertyPath(Map context) Gets the current property path but not completely.
It does not use the [ and ] used in some representations
of Maps and Lists. | public static String | getFullPropertyPath(Map context) | public static Class | getLastBeanClassAccessed(Map context) | public static String | getLastBeanPropertyAccessed(Map context) | public static Map | getSetMap(Map context, String path) | public static boolean | isCreatingNullObjects(Map context) | public static boolean | isDenyMethodExecution(Map context) | public static boolean | isGettingByKeyProperty(Map context) | public static boolean | isReportingConversionErrors(Map context) | public static void | setCreatingNullObjects(Map context, boolean creatingNullObjects) | public static void | setDenyMethodExecution(Map context, boolean denyMethodExecution) | public static void | setFullPropertyPath(Map context, String path) | public static void | setGettingByKeyProperty(Map context, boolean gettingByKeyProperty) | public static void | setLastBeanClassAccessed(Map context, Class clazz) | public static void | setLastBeanPropertyAccessed(Map context, String property) | public static void | setReportingConversionErrors(Map context, boolean reportingErrors) | public static void | setSetMap(Map context, Map setMap, String path) | public static void | updateCurrentPropertyPath(Map context, Object name) |
CURRENT_PROPERTY_PATH | final public static String CURRENT_PROPERTY_PATH(Code) | | |
FULL_PROPERTY_PATH | final public static String FULL_PROPERTY_PATH(Code) | | |
clear | public static void clear(Map context)(Code) | | |
clearCurrentPropertyPath | public static void clearCurrentPropertyPath(Map context)(Code) | | |
getCurrentPropertyPath | public static String getCurrentPropertyPath(Map context)(Code) | | Gets the current property path but not completely.
It does not use the [ and ] used in some representations
of Maps and Lists. The reason for this is that the current
property path is only currently used for caching purposes
so there is no real reason to have an exact replica.
So if the real path is myProp.myMap['myKey'] this would
return myProp.myMap.myKey.
Parameters: context - |
getFullPropertyPath | public static String getFullPropertyPath(Map context)(Code) | | |
getLastBeanClassAccessed | public static Class getLastBeanClassAccessed(Map context)(Code) | | |
getLastBeanPropertyAccessed | public static String getLastBeanPropertyAccessed(Map context)(Code) | | |
isCreatingNullObjects | public static boolean isCreatingNullObjects(Map context)(Code) | | |
isDenyMethodExecution | public static boolean isDenyMethodExecution(Map context)(Code) | | |
isGettingByKeyProperty | public static boolean isGettingByKeyProperty(Map context)(Code) | | |
isReportingConversionErrors | public static boolean isReportingConversionErrors(Map context)(Code) | | |
setCreatingNullObjects | public static void setCreatingNullObjects(Map context, boolean creatingNullObjects)(Code) | | |
setDenyMethodExecution | public static void setDenyMethodExecution(Map context, boolean denyMethodExecution)(Code) | | |
setFullPropertyPath | public static void setFullPropertyPath(Map context, String path)(Code) | | |
setGettingByKeyProperty | public static void setGettingByKeyProperty(Map context, boolean gettingByKeyProperty)(Code) | | |
setLastBeanClassAccessed | public static void setLastBeanClassAccessed(Map context, Class clazz)(Code) | | |
setLastBeanPropertyAccessed | public static void setLastBeanPropertyAccessed(Map context, String property)(Code) | | |
setReportingConversionErrors | public static void setReportingConversionErrors(Map context, boolean reportingErrors)(Code) | | |
updateCurrentPropertyPath | public static void updateCurrentPropertyPath(Map context, Object name)(Code) | | |