| com.sleepycat.collections.test.CollectionTest com.sleepycat.collections.test.XACollectionTest
XACollectionTest | public class XACollectionTest extends CollectionTest (Code) | | Runs CollectionTest with special TestEnv and TransactionRunner objects to
simulate XA transactions.
This test is currently JE-only and will not compile on DB core.
Methods inherited from com.sleepycat.collections.test.CollectionTest | void addAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void addAllList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void addOdd() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void addOddDup() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void addOddEntity() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void addOddList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void appendAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void bulkListOperations() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void bulkOperations() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void checkDupsSize(int expected, Collection coll)(Code)(Java Doc) void checkKeySetAndValueSet()(Code)(Java Doc) void clearAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void clearRange()(Code)(Java Doc) void createOutOfRange(int rangeBegin, int rangeEnd) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void duplicatesNotAllowed()(Code)(Java Doc) int intIter(Collection coll, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc) int intKey(Object key)(Code)(Java Doc) int intVal(Object val)(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isSubMap()(Code)(Java Doc) Iterator iterator(Collection storedCollection)(Code)(Java Doc) void iteratorSetAndRemoveNotAllowed(ListIterator i)(Code)(Java Doc) void listOperationsNotAllowed()(Code)(Java Doc) public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeEntity(int key, int val)(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeEntity(int key)(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeEntity(Long key)(Code)(Java Doc) Long makeKey(int key)(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeVal(int key)(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeVal(int key, int val)(Code)(Java Doc) Object makeVal(Long key)(Code)(Java Doc) Map.Entry mapEntry(Object key, Object val)(Code)(Java Doc) Map.Entry mapEntry(int key)(Code)(Java Doc) protected TransactionRunner newTransactionRunner(Environment env) throws DatabaseException(Code)(Java Doc) void readAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readDuplicates(int i, Object key, Object[] values)(Code)(Java Doc) void readEven() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readEvenList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readIterator(Collection coll, Iterator iter, int beginValue, int endValue)(Code)(Java Doc) void readWriteDuplicates() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readWriteIndexedDuplicates(int i) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readWritePrimaryDuplicates(int i) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void readWriteRange(int type, int rangeBegin, int rangeEnd) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeAllList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeIter() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOdd() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOddEntity() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOddEntry() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOddIter() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOddList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void removeOddListValue() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void runTest() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void setRange(int type, int rangeBegin, int rangeEnd)(Code)(Java Doc) void setValuePlusOne(ListIterator iter, Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Test suite() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) static Test suite(String[] args) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void tearDown() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testCdbLocking()(Code)(Java Doc) void testCreation(StoredContainer cont, int expectSize) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testIndexed() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testIterAddDuplicates() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testIterAddList() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testMapCreation(Map map) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void testUnindexed() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void updateAll() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void updateIter(Collection coll) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) void writeOutOfRange(Long badNewKey) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)