| java.lang.Object com.sleepycat.persist.model.ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata | public class ClassMetadata implements Serializable(Code) | | The metadata for a persistent class. A persistent class may be specified
with the
Entity or
Persistent annotation.
ClassMetadata objects are thread-safe. Multiple threads may
safely call the methods of a shared
ClassMetadata object.
This and other metadata classes are classes rather than interfaces to
allow adding properties to the model at a future date without causing
incompatibilities. Any such property will be given a default value and
its use will be optional.
author: Mark Hayes |
getClassName | public String getClassName()(Code) | | Returns the name of the persistent class.
getCompositeKeyFields | public List<FieldMetadata> getCompositeKeyFields()(Code) | | Returns an unmodifiable list of metadata for the fields making up a
composite key, or null if this is a not a composite key class. The
order of the fields in the returned list determines their stored order
and may be specified using the
KeyField annotation. When the
composite key class does not implement
Comparable , the order of
the fields is the relative sort order.
getPrimaryKey | public PrimaryKeyMetadata getPrimaryKey()(Code) | | Returns the primary key metadata for a key declared in this class, or
null if none is declared. This may be specified using the
PrimaryKey annotation.
getProxiedClassName | public String getProxiedClassName()(Code) | | Returns the class name of the proxied class if this class is a
PersistentProxy , or null otherwise.
getSecondaryKeys | public Map<String, SecondaryKeyMetadata> getSecondaryKeys()(Code) | | Returns an unmodifiable map of field name to secondary key metadata for
all secondary keys declared in this class, or null if no secondary keys
are declared in this class. This metadata may be specified using
SecondaryKey annotations.
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |
isEntityClass | public boolean isEntityClass()(Code) | | Returns whether this class is an entity class.