| java.lang.Object com.sleepycat.persist.model.EntityMetadata
EntityMetadata | public class EntityMetadata implements Serializable(Code) | | The metadata for a persistent entity class. An entity class may be
specified with the
Entity annotation.
EntityMetadata objects are thread-safe. Multiple threads may
safely call the methods of a shared
EntityMetadata object.
author: Mark Hayes |
getClassName | public String getClassName()(Code) | | Returns the name of the entity class.
getPrimaryKey | public PrimaryKeyMetadata getPrimaryKey()(Code) | | Returns the primary key metadata for this entity. Note that the primary
key field may be declared in this class or in a subclass. This metadata
may be specified using the
PrimaryKey annotation.
getSecondaryKeys | public Map<String, SecondaryKeyMetadata> getSecondaryKeys()(Code) | | Returns an unmodifiable map of key name to secondary key metadata, or
an empty map if no secondary keys are defined for this entity. The
returned map contains a mapping for each secondary key of this entity,
including secondary keys declared in subclasses and superclasses. This
metadata may be specified using
SecondaryKey annotations.
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |