Captures the current state of this MMBean instance and
writes it out to the persistent store. The state stored could include
attribute and operation values. If one of these methods of persistence is
not supported a "serviceNotFound" exception will be thrown.
Persistance policy from the mbean and attribute descriptor is used to guide execution
of this method. The MBean should be stored if 'persistPolicy' field is:
!= "never"
= "always"
= "onTimer" and now > 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'
= "NoMoreOftenThan" and now > 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'
Do not store the MBean if 'persistPolicy' field is:
= "never"
= "onUpdate"
= "onTimer" && now < 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'
exception: MBeanException - Wraps another exception or persistence is not supported exception: RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps exceptions from the persistence mechanism exception: InstanceNotFoundException - Could not find/access the persistant store |