| java.lang.Object org.apache.beehive.controls.api.context.ControlThreadContext
ControlThreadContext | public class ControlThreadContext (Code) | | The ControlThreadContext class manages the association between ControlContainerContexts
and threads of execution. For a given thread of execution, the beginning and ending of
contexts will always be nested (never interleaved), so each thread will maintain its own
stack of currently executing contexts. This can be used to reassociate with the current
active context.
beginContext | public static void beginContext(ControlContainerContext context)(Code) | | Defines the beginning of a new control container execution context.
getContext | public static ControlContainerContext getContext()(Code) | | Returns the active ControlContainerContext for the current thread, or null if no
context is currently active.
the current active ControlContainerContext |