AssembleTask defines a custom ant task to perform control assembly.
The core assembly algorithm is documented and implemented in
Assembler .
Required attributes:
moduleDir: path to the root of J2EE module on which to perform assembly.
srcOutputDir: path to the dir where control assemblers may output source files.
It may be necessary to run additional build steps in order to process such files (for example,
if an assembler outputs Java source code, that code may need to be compiled).
contextFactoryClassname: fully qualified classname of a factory class that implements
org.apache.beehive.controls.api.assembly.ControlAssemblyContext.Factory . Typically this
would depend on the type of module on which assembly is being run (EJB, webapp, etc). Different
contexts will expose different APIs to control assemblers (making different descriptors available,
Supported nested elements:
classpath: specifies the classpath that will be searched for control interfaces/implementations,
control clients and control assemblers.
fileset: specifies the control client manifests that should be processed by this assembly call.
An example usage of the AssembleTask in an ant build script (build.xml):