| org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.StrutsApp org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.genmodel.GenStrutsApp
All known Subclasses: org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.genmodel.GenSharedFlowStrutsApp,
canWrite | public boolean canWrite()(Code) | | In some cases, canWrite() does not guarantee that a FileNotFoundException will not
be thrown when trying to write to a file. This method actually tries to overwrite
the file as a test to see whether it's possible.
getContainingPackage | protected String getContainingPackage()(Code) | | |
getMatchingFormBeans | List getMatchingFormBeans(TypeDeclaration formType, Boolean usesPageFlowScopedFormBean)(Code) | | Returns a non-empty List of FormBeanModels that match the given form
bean type. The usesPageFlowScopedFormBean parameter can
be used to get the FormBeanModel for either a page flow scoped bean
(true ), not flow scoped (false ), or both
(null ).
Parameters: formType - the form bean class type to match Parameters: usesPageFlowScopedFormBean - flag to indicate that the bean ispage flow scoped. If null, return all FormBeanModels of the given typeregardless of being flow scoped or not. a non-empty List of FormBeanModels that match the given type |
getMessageResourcesFromFormType | String getMessageResourcesFromFormType(TypeDeclaration formTypeDecl)(Code) | | the message-resources key for the form bean's message bundle |
getStrutsConfigFile | public File getStrutsConfigFile()(Code) | | |
getValidationFilePrefix | protected String getValidationFilePrefix()(Code) | | |
isStale | public boolean isStale(File mergeFile)(Code) | | Tell whether the struts output file (struts-config-*.xml) is out of date, based on the
file times of the source file and the (optional) struts-merge file.
Methods inherited from org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.StrutsApp | public void addActionMapping(ActionModel mapping)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addException(ExceptionModel c)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addFormBean(FormBeanModel newFormBean)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addMessageResources(MessageResourcesModel mr)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addSetProperty(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element, String propName, String propValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void deleteFormBean(FormBeanModel formBean)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getActionPath()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getBeanType(ActionModel actionMapping)(Code)(Java Doc) public MessageResourcesModel getDefaultMessageResources()(Code)(Java Doc) protected List getExceptionCatchesList()(Code)(Java Doc) public FormBeanModel getFormBean(String formBeanName)(Code)(Java Doc) public FormBeanModel[] getFormBeans()(Code)(Java Doc) public List getFormBeansAsList()(Code)(Java Doc) public List getFormBeansByActualType(String actualTypeName, Boolean usesPageFlowScopedBean)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Map getFormBeansMap()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getFormNameForType(String formType, boolean isPageFlowScoped)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getFormQualifiedActionPath(ActionModel action)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getHeaderComment(File mergeFile) throws FatalCompileTimeException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getMemFileSize()(Code)(Java Doc) protected List getMessageResourcesList()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getMultipartHandlerClassName()(Code)(Java Doc) public static String getOutputFileURI(String filePrefix, String containingPackage, boolean isSharedFlow)(Code)(Java Doc) protected List getSortedActionMappings()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String getStrutsConfigURI(String containingPackage, boolean isSharedFlow)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAbstract()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isReturnToActionDisabled()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isReturnToPageDisabled()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isSharedFlow()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String makeFullyQualifiedBeanName(String formType)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAbstract(boolean anAbstract)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAdditionalValidatorConfigs(List additionalValidatorConfigs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLongLivedPageFlow(boolean longLivedPageFlow)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setMemFileSize(String memFileSize)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setMultipartHandlerClassName(String multipartHandlerClassName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNestedPageFlow(boolean nestedPageFlow)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setReturnToActionDisabled(boolean disabled)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setReturnToPageDisabled(boolean disabled)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSharedFlow(boolean sharedFlow)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSharedFlows(Map sharedFlows)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTilesDefinitionsConfigs(List tilesDefinitionsConfigs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setValidationModel(ValidationModel validationModel)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeControllerElement(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeTilesInit(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeToElement(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeValidatorInit(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeXml(PrintWriter writer, File mergeFile) throws IOException, FatalCompileTimeException, XmlModelWriterException(Code)(Java Doc)