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abstract public class Enum implements Comparable,Serializable(Code)

Abstract superclass for type-safe enums.

One feature of the C programming language lacking in Java is enumerations. The C implementation based on ints was poor and open to abuse. The original Java recommendation and most of the JDK also uses int constants. It has been recognised however that a more robust type-safe class-based solution can be designed. This class follows the basic Java type-safe enumeration pattern.

NOTE:Due to the way in which Java ClassLoaders work, comparing Enum objects should always be done using equals(), not ==. The equals() method will try == first so in most cases the effect is the same.

Of course, if you actually want (or don't mind) Enums in different class loaders being non-equal, then you can use ==.

Simple Enums

To use this class, it must be subclassed. For example:

 public final class ColorEnum extends Enum {
 public static final ColorEnum RED = new ColorEnum("Red");
 public static final ColorEnum GREEN = new ColorEnum("Green");
 public static final ColorEnum BLUE = new ColorEnum("Blue");
 private ColorEnum(String color) {
 public static ColorEnum getEnum(String color) {
 return (ColorEnum) getEnum(ColorEnum.class, color);
 public static Map getEnumMap() {
 return getEnumMap(ColorEnum.class);
 public static List getEnumList() {
 return getEnumList(ColorEnum.class);
 public static Iterator iterator() {
 return iterator(ColorEnum.class);

As shown, each enum has a name. This can be accessed using getName.

The getEnum and iterator methods are recommended. Unfortunately, Java restrictions require these to be coded as shown in each subclass. An alternative choice is to use the EnumUtils class.

Subclassed Enums

A hierarchy of Enum classes can be built. In this case, the superclass is unaffected by the addition of subclasses (as per normal Java). The subclasses may add additional Enum constants of the type of the superclass. The query methods on the subclass will return all of the Enum constants from the superclass and subclass.

 public final class ExtraColorEnum extends ColorEnum {
 // NOTE: Color enum declared above is final, change that to get this
 // example to compile.
 public static final ColorEnum YELLOW = new ExtraColorEnum("Yellow");
 private ExtraColorEnum(String color) {
 public static ColorEnum getEnum(String color) {
 return (ColorEnum) getEnum(ExtraColorEnum.class, color);
 public static Map getEnumMap() {
 return getEnumMap(ExtraColorEnum.class);
 public static List getEnumList() {
 return getEnumList(ExtraColorEnum.class);
 public static Iterator iterator() {
 return iterator(ExtraColorEnum.class);

This example will return RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW from the List and iterator methods in that order. The RED, GREEN and BLUE instances will be the same (==) as those from the superclass ColorEnum. Note that YELLOW is declared as a ColorEnum and not an ExtraColorEnum.

Functional Enums

The enums can have functionality by defining subclasses and overriding the getEnumClass() method:

 public static final OperationEnum PLUS = new PlusOperation();
 private static final class PlusOperation extends OperationEnum {
 private PlusOperation() {
 public int eval(int a, int b) {
 return a + b;
 public static final OperationEnum MINUS = new MinusOperation();
 private static final class MinusOperation extends OperationEnum {
 private MinusOperation() {
 public int eval(int a, int b) {
 return a - b;
 private OperationEnum(String color) {
 public final Class getEnumClass() {     // NOTE: new method!
 return OperationEnum.class;
 public abstract double eval(double a, double b);
 public static OperationEnum getEnum(String name) {
 return (OperationEnum) getEnum(OperationEnum.class, name);
 public static Map getEnumMap() {
 return getEnumMap(OperationEnum.class);
 public static List getEnumList() {
 return getEnumList(OperationEnum.class);
 public static Iterator iterator() {
 return iterator(OperationEnum.class);

The code above will work on JDK 1.2. If JDK1.3 and later is used, the subclasses may be defined as anonymous.

Nested class Enums

Care must be taken with class loading when defining a static nested class for enums. The static nested class can be loaded without the surrounding outer class being loaded. This can result in an empty list/map/iterator being returned. One solution is to define a static block that references the outer class where the constants are defined. For example:

 public final class Outer {
 public static final BWEnum BLACK = new BWEnum("Black");
 public static final BWEnum WHITE = new BWEnum("White");
 // static nested enum class
 public static final class BWEnum extends Enum {
 static {
 // explicitly reference BWEnum class to force constants to load
 Object obj = Outer.BLACK;
 // ... other methods omitted

Although the above solves the problem, it is not recommended. The best solution is to define the constants in the enum class, and hold references in the outer class:

 public final class Outer {
 public static final BWEnum BLACK = BWEnum.BLACK;
 public static final BWEnum WHITE = BWEnum.WHITE;
 // static nested enum class
 public static final class BWEnum extends Enum {
 // only define constants in enum classes - private if desired
 private static final BWEnum BLACK = new BWEnum("Black");
 private static final BWEnum WHITE = new BWEnum("White");
 // ... other methods omitted

For more details, see the 'Nested' test cases. org.apache.commons.lang.enums.Enum org.apache.commons.lang.enums.Enumorg.apache.commons.lang.enums
See Also:   org.apache.commons.lang.enums.Enum
   Apache Avalon project
   Stephen Colebourne
   Chris Webb
   Mike Bowler
   $Id: 447975 2006-09-19 21:20:56Z bayard $

Field Summary
protected transient  StringiToString
     The toString representation of the Enum.

Constructor Summary
protected  Enum(String name)

Method Summary
public  intcompareTo(Object other)
final public  booleanequals(Object other)

Tests for equality.

Two Enum objects are considered equal if they have the same class names and the same names.

protected static  EnumgetEnum(Class enumClass, String name)
public  ClassgetEnumClass()

Retrieves the Class of this Enum item, set in the constructor.

This is normally the same as getClass(), but for advanced Enums may be different.

protected static  ListgetEnumList(Class enumClass)

Gets the List of Enum objects using the Enum class.

The list is in the order that the objects were created (source code order).

protected static  MapgetEnumMap(Class enumClass)
final public  StringgetName()
final public  inthashCode()
protected static  Iteratoriterator(Class enumClass)

Gets an Iterator over the Enum objects in an Enum class.

The Iterator is in the order that the objects were created (source code order).

protected  ObjectreadResolve()
public  StringtoString()

Human readable description of this Enum item.

String in the form type[name], for example:Color[Red].

Field Detail
protected transient String iToString(Code)
The toString representation of the Enum.

Constructor Detail
protected Enum(String name)(Code)

Constructor to add a new named item to the enumeration.

  name - the name of the enum object,must not be empty or null
  IllegalArgumentException - if the name is nullor an empty string
  IllegalArgumentException - if the getEnumClass() method returnsa null or invalid Class

Method Detail
public int compareTo(Object other)(Code)

Tests for order.

The default ordering is alphabetic by name, but this can be overridden by subclasses.

If the parameter is in a different class loader than this instance, reflection is used to compare the names.

See Also:   java.lang.Comparable.compareTo(Object)
  other - the other object to compare to -ve if this is less than the other object, +ve if greaterthan, 0 of equal
  ClassCastException - if other is not an Enum
  NullPointerException - if other is null

final public boolean equals(Object other)(Code)

Tests for equality.

Two Enum objects are considered equal if they have the same class names and the same names. Identity is tested for first, so this method usually runs fast.

If the parameter is in a different class loader than this instance, reflection is used to compare the names.

  other - the other object to compare for equality true if the Enums are equal

protected static Enum getEnum(Class enumClass, String name)(Code)

Gets an Enum object by class and name.

  enumClass - the class of the Enum to get, must notbe null
  name - the name of the Enum to get,may be null the enum object, or null if the enum does not exist
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum classis null

public Class getEnumClass()(Code)

Retrieves the Class of this Enum item, set in the constructor.

This is normally the same as getClass(), but for advanced Enums may be different. If overridden, it must return a constant value.

the Class of the enum

protected static List getEnumList(Class enumClass)(Code)

Gets the List of Enum objects using the Enum class.

The list is in the order that the objects were created (source code order). If the requested class has no enum objects an empty List is returned.

  enumClass - the class of the Enum to get,must not be null the enum object Map
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is not a subclass of Enum

protected static Map getEnumMap(Class enumClass)(Code)

Gets the Map of Enum objects by name using the Enum class.

If the requested class has no enum objects an empty Map is returned.

  enumClass - the class of the Enum to get,must not be null the enum object Map
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is not a subclass of Enum

final public String getName()(Code)

Retrieve the name of this Enum item, set in the constructor.

the String name of this Enum item

final public int hashCode()(Code)

Returns a suitable hashCode for the enumeration.

a hashcode based on the name

protected static Iterator iterator(Class enumClass)(Code)

Gets an Iterator over the Enum objects in an Enum class.

The Iterator is in the order that the objects were created (source code order). If the requested class has no enum objects an empty Iterator is returned.

  enumClass - the class of the Enum to get,must not be null an iterator of the Enum objects
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is null
  IllegalArgumentException - if the enum class is not a subclass of Enum

protected Object readResolve()(Code)

Handle the deserialization of the class to ensure that multiple copies are not wastefully created, or illegal enum types created.

the resolved object

public String toString()(Code)

Human readable description of this Enum item.

String in the form type[name], for example:Color[Red]. Note that the package name is stripped fromthe type name.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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